Version 1.153 Changelog:
Version 1.152 Changelog:
Version 1.151 Changelog:
Version 1.150 Changelog:
Caba`drin said:A 1.153 changelog...hopefully a more thorough one is in the works, but who knows:
Vincenzo said:Warband Patch 1.153
- Troop AI for choosing weapon for different situations has been updated.
- Ranged troop AI not being able to choose a target under certain circumstances bug has been fixed.
- New operations for modders.
- Some fixes and operation enhancements for modders.
Single player:
- Town economies are now more balanced.
- Several other bug fixes.
- Two new multiplayer maps have been added: Canyon and Desert Town.
- HTTP communication has been rewritten due to connection issues reported by players.
Vincenzo said:Client patch: (Needs Warband 1100 installed!)
Client full installer:
Dedicated server:
Module system:
Caba`drin said:Run a difference check with WinMerge or something and voila:Belendor said:I wonder what are those new operations added into the MS. Is there a list?
Additions to:
Code:agent_set_attack_action = 1745 # (agent_set_attack_action, <agent_id>, <value>, <value>), #value: -2 = clear any attack action, 0 = thrust, 1 = slashright, 2 = slashleft, 3 = overswing - second value 0 = ready and release, 1 = ready and hold agent_set_defend_action = 1746 # (agent_set_defend_action, <agent_id>, <value>, <duration-in-1/1000-seconds>), #value_1: -2 = clear any defend action, 0 = defend_down, 1 = defend_right, 2 = defend_left, 3 = defend_up agent_start_running_away = 1751 # (agent_start_running_away, <agent_id>, [position_no]), # if position no is entered, agent will run away to that location. pos0 is not allowed (will be ignored).
New ops
Code:agent_ai_set_can_crouch = 2083 # (agent_ai_set_can_crouch, <agent_id>, <value>), # 0 for false, 1 for true. agent_get_crouch_mode = 2097 # (agent_ai_get_crouch_mode, <destination>, <agent_id>), agent_set_crouch_mode = 2098 # (agent_ai_set_crouch_mode, <agent_id>, <value>), # 0-1 is_zoom_disabled = 2222 # (is_zoom_disabled),
Version 1.152 Changelog:
- Bugs related with sounds and music have been fixed. Disable music option now works correctly.
- Muskets sticking to left hand after reloading bug has been fixed.
Single player:
- Several dialog text fixes.
- Lords now defect even faster when their faction has no centers left.
- Minor fix on faction AI.
- Trees with bad physics that caused missiles to pass through them have been fixed.
- Switching module without closing the application now works.
Version 1.151 Changelog:
Version 1.151 Changelog:
Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders.
New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching.
Support for game controllers has been improved.
Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added.
Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed.
Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed.
Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable.
Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms.
Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds.
Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system.
Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced.
Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes.
Minor translation fixes.
Various other bug fixes.
Single Player:
Good productions for towns have been rearranged.
Bug fix at Lady of the Lake achievement.
Effect of village raids on prosperity has been increased. To balance that, village prosperity increases faster now.
Merchant inventory update has been made less random.
Probability of lords defecting from a faction with very few centers has been increased.
Number of cattle at villages has been revised.
Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable.
Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.
Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters.
Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather.
In multiplayer server filtering, “Compatible with version” checkbox has been renamed as “Compatible with module” and now it checks for both module and its version.
Network data priority values have been updated.
Version 1.150 Changelog:
- In multiplayer, Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable.
- Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.
- Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters.
- Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather.
- Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders.
- New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching.
- Support for game controllers has been improved.
- Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added.
- Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed.
- Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed.
- In multiplayer server filtering, "Compatible with version" checkbox has been renamed as "Compatible with module" and now it checks for both module and its version.
- Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable.
- Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms.
- Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds.
- Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system.
- Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced.
- Network data priority values have been updated.
- Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes.
- Minor translation fixes.
- Various other bug fixes.
wolfstar97 said:Added module.ini params:
Code:can_crouch = 0 can_objects_make_sound = 0 disable_zoom = 0 use_advanced_formation = 0 use_crossbow_as_firearm = 0 can_reload_while_moving = 0 can_run_faster_with_skills = 0 use_phased_reload = 0 horses_try_running_away = 0 lance_pike_effect_speed = 3.0 no_friendly_fire_for_bots = 0 can_adjust_camera_distance = 1 sync_ragdoll_effects = 0 has_forced_particles = 0 can_use_scene_props_in_single_player = 0 disable_attack_while_jumping = 0 disable_high_hdr = 0 has_accessories_for_female = 0
Swyter said:This is a bit messy... Let's sum it up:
–Stuff They Added™ on patch 1.151
–Core resources (the previously hardcoded BRFs) and Post-process shaders (postFX.fx) are now modular.
That means that we aren't constrained to the default assets anymore. That means COMPLETE modularity, even for hardcoded references.
–New operations (WSE derived), goodies and syntactic fixes.
Code:party_end_battle = 108 # (party_end_battle,<party_no>), is_edit_mode_enabled = 255 # (is_edit_mode_enabled), store_last_sound_channel = 615 # (store_last_sound_channel, <destination>), stop_sound_channel = 616 # (stop_sound_channel, <sound_channel_no>), overlay_set_additional_render_height = 952 # (overlay_set_additional_render_height, <overlay_id>, <height_adder>), scene_prop_set_cur_hit_points = 1820 # (scene_prop_set_cur_hit_points, <scene_prop_id>, <value>), scene_prop_fade_out = 1822 # (scene_prop_fade_out, <scene_prop_id>, <fade_out_time>) scene_prop_fade_in = 1823 # (scene_prop_fade_in, <scene_prop_id>, <fade_in_time>) agent_is_in_line_of_sight = 1826 # (agent_is_in_line_of_sight, <agent_id>, <position_no>), # rotation of the position register is not used. agent_deliver_damage_to_agent_advanced = 1827 # (agent_deliver_damage_to_agent_advanced, <destination>, <agent_id_deliverer>, <agent_id>, <value>, [item_id]), #if value <= 0, then damage will be calculated using the weapon item. # item_id is the item that the damage is delivered. can be ignored. # this advanced mode of agent_deliver_damage_to_agent has 2 differences. 1- the delivered damage is returned. 2- the damage delivery is done after checking the relationship between agents. this might cause no damage, or even damage to the shooter agent because of a friendly fire. team_get_gap_distance = 1828 # (team_get_gap_distance, <destination>, <team_no>, <sub_class>), add_missile = 1829 # (add_missile, <agent_id>, <starting_position>, <starting_speed_fixed_point>, <weapon_item_id>, <weapon_item_modifier>, <missile_item_id>, <missile_item_modifier>), # starting position also contains the direction of the arrow prop_instance_play_sound = 1881 # (prop_instance_play_sound, <scene_prop_id>, <sound_id>, [flags]), # sound flags can be given prop_instance_stop_sound = 1882 # (prop_instance_stop_sound, <scene_prop_id>), prop_instance_clear_attached_missiles = 1885 # (prop_instance_clear_attached_missiles, <scene_prop_id>), # Works only with dynamic scene props (non-retrievable missiles) prop_instance_add_particle_system = 1886 # (prop_instance_add_particle_system, <scene_prop_id>, <par_sys_id>, <position_no>), # position is local, not global. prop_instance_stop_all_particle_systems= 1887 # (prop_instance_stop_all_particle_systems, <scene_prop_id>), particle_system_burst_no_sync = 1975 # (particle_system_burst_without_sync,<par_sys_id>,<position_no>,[percentage_burst_strength]), spawn_item_without_refill = 1976 # (spawn_item_without_refill, <item_kind_id>, <item_modifier>, [seconds_before_pruning]) #if seconds_before_pruning = 0 then item never gets pruned agent_get_item_cur_ammo = 1977 # (agent_get_item_cur_ammo, <destination>, <agent_id>, <slot_no>) agent_ai_get_look_target = 2080 # (agent_ai_get_look_target, <destination>, <agent_id>), agent_ai_get_move_target = 2081 # (agent_ai_get_move_target, <destination>, <agent_id>), agent_ai_get_behavior_target = 2082 # (agent_ai_get_behavior_target, <destination>, <agent_id>), agent_set_max_hit_points = 2090 # set absolute to 1 if value is absolute, otherwise value will be treated as relative number in range [0..100] # (agent_set_max_hit_points,<agent_id>,<value>,[absolute]), agent_set_damage_modifier = 2091 # (agent_set_damage_modifier, <agent_id>, <value>), # value is in percentage, 100 is default agent_set_accuracy_modifier = 2092 # (agent_set_accuracy_modifier, <agent_id>, <value>), # value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000] agent_set_speed_modifier = 2093 # (agent_set_speed_modifier, <agent_id>, <value>), # value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000] agent_set_reload_speed_modifier = 2094 # (agent_set_reload_speed_modifier, <agent_id>, <value>), # value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000] agent_set_use_speed_modifier = 2095 # (agent_set_use_speed_modifier, <agent_id>, <value>), # value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000] agent_set_visibility = 2096 # (agent_set_visibility, <agent_id>, <value>), # 0 for invisible, 1 for visible. store_zoom_amount = 2220 # (store_zoom_amount, <destination_fixed_point>), set_zoom_amount = 2221 # (set_zoom_amount, <value_fixed_point>), show_troop_details = 2388 # (show_troop_details, <troop_id>, <position>, <troop_price>) set_skybox = 2389 # (set_skybox, <non_hdr_skybox_index>, <hdr_skybox_index>) #forces selected skybox for a scene, use -1 to disable set_startup_sun_light = 2390 # (set_startup_sun_light, <r>, <g>, <b>) #changes the sun light color set_startup_ambient_light = 2391 # (set_startup_ambient_light, <r>, <g>, <b>) #changes the ambient light color set_startup_ground_ambient_light = 2392 # (set_startup_ground_ambient_light, <r>, <g>, <b>) #changes the ground ambient light color rebuild_shadow_map = 2393 # (rebuild_shadow_map), set_shader_param_int = 2400 # (set_shader_param_int, <parameter_name>, <value>), #Sets the int shader parameter <parameter_name> to <value> set_shader_param_float = 2401 # (set_shader_param_float, <parameter_name>, <value>), #Sets the float shader parameter <parameter_name> to <value> set_shader_param_float4 = 2402 # (set_shader_param_float4, <parameter_name>, <valuex>, <valuey>, <valuez>, <valuew>), #Sets the float4 shader parameter <parameter_name> to <valuex/y/z/w> set_shader_param_float4x4 = 2403 # (set_shader_param_float4x4, <parameter_name>, [0][0], [0][1], [0][2], [1][0], [1][1], [1][2], [2][0], [2][1], [2][2], [3][0], [3][1], [3][2]), #Sets the float4x4 shader parameter <parameter_name> to the given values .w components are 0001 by default
–Xbox controller support:
Code:key_xbox_a = 0xf0 key_xbox_b = 0xf1 key_xbox_x = 0xf2 key_xbox_y = 0xf3 key_xbox_dpad_up = 0xf4 key_xbox_dpad_down = 0xf5 key_xbox_dpad_right = 0xf6 key_xbox_dpad_left = 0xf7 key_xbox_start = 0xf8 key_xbox_back = 0xf9 key_xbox_rbumber = 0xfa key_xbox_lbumber = 0xfb key_xbox_ltrigger = 0xfc key_xbox_rtrigger = 0xfd key_xbox_rstick = 0xfe key_xbox_lstick = 0xff
–Complex formations + orders + crouch boilerplate (no animations provided)
Code:ti_on_order_issued = -71.0 #can only be used in module_mission_templates triggers # Trigger Param 1: order no # Trigger Param 2: agent id
Code:gk_crouch = 49 gk_order_7 = 50 gk_order_8 = 51
–New flags and animation sets for items, also now we can add our own kill icons for multiplayer...
Code:itp_is_pike = 0x0002000000000000 itp_offset_musket = 0x0004000000000000 itp_no_blur = 0x0008000000000000 itp_cant_reload_while_moving_mounted= 0x0010000000000000 itp_has_upper_stab = 0x0020000000000000 itp_kill_info_mask = 0x0700000000000000 itp_kill_info_bits = 56 # 0x0700000000000000 def custom_kill_info(x): # you have to add ico_custom_x (where x is a number between 1 and 7) mesh in order to display it correctly. return (((bignum | x) & (itp_kill_info_mask >> itp_kill_info_bits)) << itp_kill_info_bits) itcf_overswing_spear = 0x0020000000000000 itcf_overswing_musket = 0x0040000000000000 itcf_thrust_musket = 0x0080000000000000
–New flags for sounds, (the sound engine has been rewritten from scratch, now we can stream sounds on demand without having them constantly loaded in RAM, performance improvement, faster loading) and scene props (related with movement, shadows, collisions and more)
Code:sf_stream_from_hd = 0x00000008 sf_always_send_via_network = 0x00100000 sf_priority_15 = 0x000000f0 sf_priority_14 = 0x000000e0 sf_priority_13 = 0x000000d0 sf_priority_12 = 0x000000c0 sf_priority_11 = 0x000000b0
Code:sokf_enforce_shadows = 0x0000000000100000 sokf_dont_move_agent_over = 0x0000000000200000 sokf_handle_as_flora = 0x0000000001000000 sokf_static_movement = 0x0000000002000000