Version 0.630 is out! (Version 0.632 now)

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Version 0.630 is finally ready. I hope that it is fairly stable and doesn't contain any serious problems, because after this version I want to concentrate fully on developing the module-building tools. I have quite a few ideas for improvements for the game and there are lots of great suggestions coming from you, but I believe module tools are really the most important thing right now. Therefore I will postpone pretty much everything else until I have those ready. So, I hope you will like the new version since we probably won't have any updates for some time to come.

Here is the changelog for the new version:
Attack direction can be controlled by looking direction.
Improved collision detection for weapons.
Combat animations have recieved an overhaul. (Thanks to everyone who pointed us to :wink:)
Pixel shader support.
Lame horses heal much more slowly now (like thirty game days if you have a wound treatment of 1)
Footmen can be knocked down when hit.
You can no longer parry attacks with a great lance.
Fixed error which caused assertion failure:add_stack >= 0
More robust game saving.
Rear key is remapped to Ctrl+R
Spent missiles are now deduced from your encumberance
Encumberance in arena is calculated correctly now.
Fixes to combat AI.
New slots are added to party at every leadership point now.
New loot calculation system: Player gets 10 shares from loot, hero companions get 7 shares each and regulars get 1 share each.
Various balancing changes and bug fixes

Forgot to add the following change... :oops:
Uniform damage model: Damage is computed taking into account your victims relative speed, his relative movement direction and the direction you are swinging your weapon. Similarly calculation of couched lance damage is pretty much physically accurate.

(You'll be able to continue existing savegames if they were created after v0.620.)

Latest version is now 0.632 which has several critical bugs fixed. You can grab it from the download page
Could you explain better what you mean with "player get 10 shares" etcetera?

Player get the same amount of loot regardless of the NPC accompaining him/her?
Say you have Borcha and 20 hired baldes with you. Shares are as follows:

You: 10 shares
Borcha 7 shares
20 hired blades: 20 shares (1 share each)
Total: 37 shares

Therefore, you get 10/37 of the loot.
Cool, I'm going to try it out straight away, thanks armagan :smile:

The only thing I'm worried about is the footmen falling down when hit. Hopefully my footmen still stand a chance against horses and won't force me to use them aswell.

I made a new char right away (i know i dont have to), and i say wow awesome!
- zendar looks great. i dont know exactly what changed, but it's lighter and tighter (i suppose that's the word :lol: )
- the new battlesystem works great. The attack directions thing seems great, but I have to get used to it a little because I'm used to it not being there :smile:
- I just totally lost to a guy in training, i suppose that's the better combat AI :wink:
- the new bow-aiming looks great.
- the dropping footmen is funny. I Just rammed someone to the ground with a two handed sword. But I also got rammed to the ground with a staff and then another hit on my head so I lost :razz:
-great looking armor.
- new lance is great, it's great that it's not so great anymore.... but still awesome while on horseback.
- good looking zendar tavern :smile:

- When you aim with your bow and then rightclick (to un-aim), the target thingy stays in view.
- After you're hit to the ground and someone hits you again, you sometimes stand right up again just to fall down again. In other words, the falling-to-the-ground animation shouldn't be played again if you're already on the ground.
- The lance should do more damage when you attack (press and release attack button) with the lance on full gallop. Right now it's about as effective as being on foot. Surely the speed on the horse should add something to it, if not just as damaging as leaving it couched (or how that's called :wink:)

*Cries tears of joy*
Wonderful changes, though you didn't even list them all. I like the new bow cross hair, as well as the added sound effects.

But is it just me or is the "black helmet" a little too black now? I can't even see it when it's in an inventory slot. Not sure if this happened with any other items, but it's slightly annoying having to play hide-and-seek with my armor.
Sackmo said:
Wonderful changes, though you didn't even list them all. I like the new bow cross hair, as well as the added sound effects.

But is it just me or is the "black helmet" a little too black now? I can't even see it when it's in an inventory slot. Not sure if this happened with any other items, but it's slightly annoying having to play hide-and-seek with my armor.

That's due to pixel shaders... i guess.
I can't run the new version. Every time I start it up it says "Failed to create pixel shader iron_shader". I've tried disabling pixel shaders in the config. Help?
jesus christ. this update is awesome. the graphics are just so much better. the animations are really good, and the reflections are nice. unfortunutly, I'm having trouble aiming my weapon. then new reticule is nice too, and the knockdown thing is very nice for my 58 Swadian Knights :lol:. The reflections are beautiful, it's very nice to see 8 fully armored knights thundering across the plains in the moonlight.

So far, I've found 2 things that I didn't really like: the reflections are too bright. It's armor, it's not supposed to be completely clean. it seems like your men are wearing mirrors. Also, it should be made so you can only be knocked down every x amount of seconds. It's infuriating to be knocked down 10 times in a row. An alternative would be the ability to be block and attack while getting up.

Absolutely superb--if it looked "professional" before, it's solid gold now, almost like playing a different game from 0.623b during battle sequences. My only complaint (I like shiny armor :grin:) is that the arrows for attack directions are misleading--they show the direction in which your sword will move, not the direction in which you're looking. I'd like an option to disable them (and the framerate counter).
I'm getting negative gold after I win a battle.

My only complaint (I like shiny armor Very Happy) is that the arrows for attack directions are misleading--they show the direction in which your sword will move, not the direction in which you're looking. I'd like an option to disable them

That's the point. The arrows let you control which type of swing you want so you don't thrust when you want to slash, for instance.

(and the framerate counter).

There's already one in the options.
Forgive the over-shineness of the armor. We had to hurry it a bit. Didn't have the time to fine-tune it.

Manifold said:
I can't run the new version. Every time I start it up it says "Failed to create pixel shader iron_shader". I've tried disabling pixel shaders in the config. Help?

I guess I'll never release a version that doesn't need a second patch =P
armagan, place the previous version online aswell for the people that can't play this version.

This version is really great and I've only played it for a little while now :wink:
I love the way footmen look when they go flying when my 9 Knights smash into them. Also, did you do something with the combat sounds? Mine sound different from the old version; the strikes sound a bit more meatier. it goes well with the very enthusiastic animations :twisted:
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