Version 0.623 Out!

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Here is yet another release with minor fixes. I mostly tried to fix the problems mentioned in the forums, so many thanks to everyone who have been active, bringing up and discussing issues and making suggestions.

It will be possible to continue your saved games if it was started with version 0.620 or above.

It's 2:12 AM now and I am going to bed. I hope I haven't screwed up anything with the new version. If I have... well, I'll think about that in the morning. Anyway, enjoy the new version, and... don't stay up too late yourselves. :wink:

Here's the changelog:
Knights and horsemen will correctly have horses.
Turning off particle systems will disable blood.
Player can now block shield without a weapon equipped
Fixed mismatching body skin color with some female faces.
NPCs will wield shields with thrown weapons
Added effects for watered-steel modifier
Party templates are now initialized correctly.
Updating throwing weapon animations so that left arm will not block your vision in first person view.
Fixed bug where You go to the loot screen if you talk to a non-hostile party whose members are all wounded.
Each point of strength adds 1/3 to damage again.
Attacks will do less damage if they land too early and more damage if they land later.
Smaller parties are now more difficult to spot at long distances.
Fixed floating in the air bug when you press and hold attack and dismount horse.

Fixes to Combat AI:
Archers take up melee weapons as soon as enemy is near.
Horsemen are less inclined to attack on their own if ordered to hold or follow
Ranged troops do not try to shoot targets further than the range of their weapon.
Riders slash to their left more efficiently.

Fixed position of arrow striking shield sound
Capitalized NPC names,
Capitalized town Names.
armagan: Will the new 1/3 dmg increase from str apply to characters already created in prior versions?

Edit: Well I just tested the new version with my old char and I can easily tell that the dmg has increased. :grin:
Noticed one thing: when you click on strenght it still says "each point of strenght gives +1 hit points" (and you get them).

Just wanted to report this... :razz:
Heh, now I must d/l it, and I've barely downloaded the previous patch.
Oh well, it sure beats no progress, right? :smile:
2 days to download :smile:.
I really liked the 'less damage later'. Btw, with added ablitiy to shrug off small amounts of damage (w/o interrupting your attack), this will really render 'cheating' way of killing opponents by closing up on them and pounding them to death.
Awesome update. Like the changes, especially the way inertia on weapons works.

Nice to see capitalization appearing as well. Helps the game look just that little bit more professional.

Two minor gripes/suggestions.

Further grammar/spelling/capitalization stuff. Most stuff in menus isn't capitalized at all, and a lot of things still carry underscores in their names as well instead of spaces.

Plus, when you're knocked out, you 'tick' the enemies, rather than 'trick'. Small typo - just noticed it though.

And one suggestion: Expand on inertia from attacks. Right now you can do 80 damage by riding a fraction faster than someone and lancing them in the back, but there's actually no real speed or force in the impact.

My suggestion is that you have attack damage a little more realistic. If you get hit with a full head-on jousting lance, while you're charging as well... Well, that's going to hurt. Really hurt. If someone on foot swings at your back as you're riding away, it'll only really graze you though, as you're already moving in the direction of the attack.

Just an idea though.
DominicWhite said:
And one suggestion: Expand on inertia from attacks. Right now you can do 80 damage by riding a fraction faster than someone and lancing them in the back, but there's actually no real speed or force in the impact.

My suggestion is that you have attack damage a little more realistic. If you get hit with a full head-on jousting lance, while you're charging as well... Well, that's going to hurt. Really hurt. If someone on foot swings at your back as you're riding away, it'll only really graze you though, as you're already moving in the direction of the attack.

Yes, that should be the way damage works. At the moment range damage model takes those into account but I should really extend that to the mell damage as well. Good point. :wink:
At the moment range damage model takes those into account

So you're saying that, for example, I throw a javelin into the face of a Dark Knight as he's charging straight at me at the same time I'm charging at him, it does more damage? Is the difference as large and noticeable as the Warrider bonus?
Yeah, I just figured out how to us a couched lance (my character's level 30, I've been using lances the whole game, and I just now discovered this), and it seems kind of ridiculous that you can just barely touch someone in the back with the lance and get the couched lance bonus. It should probably be relative, i.e. If you're headed toward each other, and you're going at a speed of 10 and your opponent is going at a speed of 8, the speed used in the damage calculation is 18, but if your opponent is heading in the same direction as you are and you're traveling at a speed of 10 while he's only traveling at a speed of 8, the speed used in the damage calc should be only 2.

Hope this makes sense. As a side note, this seems to be the case already with the warrider damage bonus.
Thanks so much for your work, Armagan. Props to you on the RPGDot preview as well--I'm sure it will swell the growing ranks!
Yeah, I got a vague feeling that the folks over at rpgdot sort of like M&B.

Could just be me, though.
Major kudos to you, Armagan and Ipek!

And a big 'w00t!' that combat is going to be more inertia-based in later versions as well. Should really make the combat feel more solid and gritty. A real hands-on slugfest.
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