Version 0.27 (Dev) Feedback - Latest Patch 0.27.3 (pending)

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Grandmaster Knight
My place of work will be entering an extended "refueling period" which means my development time will be next to none over the next six weeks.  In the meantime I am hosting a development copy of version 0.27 so that you can help me identify any quirks within the Oathbound system.

Major Changes:
* Version Log
* Oathbound: A Freelancer variant.  The system has almost all of its core functionality finished with about half of the quests remaining to be developed.  What is in should be finished so if it isn't working properly I'd like to hear about it here.  I will try to update this initial post with known issues to cut down on redundant reports.  The project is far from complete though as this is a development copy.

Download Link:
* Full Download (9/18/15): v0.27.1 (Save compatible to v0.26.7)
* Patch (9/22/15): v0.27.2 (text file patch, overwrite v0.27.1 files)
* Source: There will be no source releases until the final version is complete.
This is save compatible with v0.26.  Make sure you backup your saves and realize I will probably break them with development copies due to bugs. 

Pacing -  My intention in not letting you leave the party as an initiate was to ease the player into things a bit slower, but I try to keep it so that the initiate stage is relatively short.  Once you hit militia then quests start opening up to move up in the ranks.

Pay - There are a lot of factors that can adjust your pay so the initial amount as an initiate can seem tiny (and really should be) while later on you can actually start saving up for building enterprises.  My intention here was to give players a structured path towards building enterprises and then transitioning into vassalage with a little financial support already built.

Quest Content - Most of the initial quests are very simple in design as you're a pretty low ranking person.  So they are intentionally "go here and do this" quests vs. ones that force you to make decisions.  Some of those will be coming with the later ranks.  I would like to know if it feels like there is enough variety that you don't feel like you are just grinding rating and reputation and if there are quest concepts you feel are missing and should be added.

Loot - I add this because this side of Oathbound has not been done at all yet.  There isn't an option to keep battlefield loot and post-combat loot is currently treated just like as if your party won the battle alone.  This is one of the last "core mechanic" changes that needs to be implemented.  So I suspect folks will feel like loot is a bit generous at this point.
Silverstag Wiki: Development Poll

Fixed - Corrected script error on the weekly budget display that preventing receiving Oathbound pay.
Changed - Increased "Administrator" reduction in troop hiring cost by a flat 5%.
Fixed - Quest "Prisoners of War": corrected the inaccurate number in the quest description.
Fixed - You no longer gain rating for assisting in battle if you are not fit to join in.
Changed - Reduces the rating gained from joining in battle to 2 for initiates.
Fixed - Quest "Prisoners of War": kills done by you after body-sliding no longer count towards this quest.
Changed - Squad Bounties: kills done by you after body-sliding no longer count towards this pay factor.
Fixed - Quest "Make Your Mark": Dishonorable troops will not be selected as a target.
Fixed - Quest "Scouting Ahead": Failed to update on function 12 error should no longer occur.

Added - New Party Role: Vanguard (Ticket 1110)
Added - Ability "Nocturnal".
Changed - Base perception to see concealed parties is reduced by 50% during night time travel.
Added - The selection menus for each party role now filter out only qualified companions for the position. (Ticket 511)
Added - Storekeepers will now only pick up as much looted food as they typically would purchase.  The rest goes to the Quartermaster. (Ticket 1760)
Changed - Katrin's now begins a game with +2 Athletics instead of +2 Riding to support her Supply Runner ability. (Ticket 1526)
Changed - Gaolers should no longer store prisoners immediately after pulling them out while in Storage mode (Ticket 861)
Changed - Garrison Training: The base budget to xp ratio is been increased from 65% to 200%.
Changed - Garrison Training: The budget to xp ratio for having the Training Grounds improvement has been increased from 15% to 40%.
Added - Ability "Efficient" / Garrison Training: New effect improves garrison training efficiency by +5% per rank of Leadership.
Changed - Restored the original dialog options for the Captain of the Guard to control garrison training and recruitment.
Added - Role "Vanguard" - Improves the effectiveness of the "Hunter" ability by 30% when assigned to a companion.
Changed - Removed post combat wounding for body-sliding mechanic.  Temporary change for wide-spread testing.

v0.27.X Known Issues
[Bug] Oathbound master's party absorbing another AI lord's army post combat.
Pay is still broken.
Squad kills are not counting properly.
I will just add that these files include some minor and major tweaks to troops, especially to Rhodoks and Sarranids. Check version log for details.
Sure. It's probably the same version as this.
And yes, we still compile. There is a new compiler as well, much faster than the original one. And build scripts for GNU/Linux.
Is an initiate supposed to be able to command other soldiers during a siege? Also, the prisoner of war quest says that you need to capture 30 enemies but in reality you only need 10 from the quest notes.
Hey ! First, Let me say that I love the oathbound systeme ! But I did notice some issues:

-First, after a full month of contract, I haven't been paid once, and opening the weekly budget tab triggers a code error, also, when in the oathbound tab' it says that my pay should be of around 1000 (Thanks to skills and squad kills) in the weekly budget window, it is saying that my pay is 160( my basic pay without any bonuses)

-I joined Duke Clais' army, and after a month, his party is as big as 600 men  :lol:, and another lord who joined us in a battle got "absorbed" in Duke Clais' party, uping the number of men to 750, he did leave at some point tho', only to left Duke Clais with 450 men and himself with around 500, I definitly think this is an issue  :grin:

-The scouting ahead quest, when accepted triggers a code error (failed to update on function 12), and in the note tab', it says:
"You have been tasked with scouting the area around Scouting Ahead...".  Making it impossible to complete.

Those issues a part, I'm trully enjoying it !
Shakalis said:
Hey ! First, Let me say that I love the oathbound systeme ! But I did notice some issues:

-First, after a full month of contract, I haven't been paid once, and opening the weekly budget tab triggers a code error, also, when in the oathbound tab' it says that my pay should be of around 1000 (Thanks to skills and squad kills) in the weekly budget window, it is saying that my pay is 160( my basic pay without any bonuses)

-I joined Duke Clais' army, and after a month, his party is as big as 600 men  :lol:, and another lord who joined us in a battle got "absorbed" in Duke Clais' party, uping the number of men to 750, he did leave at some point tho', only to left Duke Clais with 450 men and himself with around 500, I definitly think this is an issue  :grin:

-The scouting ahead quest, when accepted triggers a code error (failed to update on function 12), and in the note tab', it says:
"You have been tasked with scouting the area around Scouting Ahead...".  Making it impossible to complete.

Those issues a part, I'm trully enjoying it !

Oh so the army was absorbed, no wonder why King Ragnar got a 900 men army lol
Looks like they do leave at some point, but with more men than when they joined  :iamamoron:

In time of peace it is kind of fixing itself slowly, Because a lot of men are deserting because, eh, 900 troops. Leaving the lord with its max' party size
Awesome job on the Outhbound system. IMHO a improvement on the Freelancer mod.  :party:

I see the issue with the scouting ahead quest have been reported, so I'll leave it in your capable hands then :smile:
gsanders said:
Source code? I did not see it in the archive.
Or does anyone actually compile anymore?
I don't plan on releasing the source until the project is complete.

cody2224 said:
Is an initiate supposed to be able to command other soldiers during a siege?
Not really, but I left it in because I felt it would make for a more enjoyable game play experience.

Shakalis said:
-First, after a full month of contract, I haven't been paid once, and opening the weekly budget tab triggers a code error, also, when in the oathbound tab' it says that my pay should be of around 1000 (Thanks to skills and squad kills) in the weekly budget window, it is saying that my pay is 160( my basic pay without any bonuses)
Was this a new game in v0.27 or a continued one from v0.26?  Could you get me a screenshot of the script error if it happens again or copy the text of it directly out of your rgl_log.txt (main warband folder) after it happens.

I've captured the known issues to this point to add into the original post.  From a game play perspective I'd also like to hear about your experiences with the system along these lines:

Pacing -  My intention in not letting you leave the party as an initiate was to ease the player into things a bit slower, but I try to keep it so that the initiate stage is relatively short.  Once you hit militia then quests start opening up to move up in the ranks.

Pay - There are a lot of factors that can adjust your pay so the initial amount as an initiate can seem tiny (and really should be) while later on you can actually start saving up for building enterprises.  My intention here was to give players a structured path towards building enterprises and then transitioning into vassalage with a little financial support already built.

Quest Content - Most of the initial quests are very simple in design as you're a pretty low ranking person.  So they are intentionally "go here and do this" quests vs. ones that force you to make decisions.  Some of those will be coming with the later ranks.  I would like to know if it feels like there is enough variety that you don't feel like you are just grinding rating and reputation and if there are quest concepts you feel are missing and should be added.

Loot - I add this because this side of Oathbound has not been done at all yet.  There isn't an option to keep battlefield loot and post-combat loot is currently treated just like as if your party won the battle alone.  This is one of the last "core mechanic" changes that needs to be implemented.  So I suspect folks will feel like loot is a bit generous at this point.

I've added a development poll for this update to the wiki.  Give the system a try out for a while and then let me know what you think.  Silverstag Wiki: Development Poll
One thing I would like to see is for initiates to also be able to request leave when there are no wars, as staying in a lord's army all the time at peace time without anything to do seems a bit dull. But to not deviate too much from your original idea, maybe make it a shorter leave instead of a full length one?
Windyplains said:
Shakalis said:
-First, after a full month of contract, I haven't been paid once, and opening the weekly budget tab triggers a code error, also, when in the oathbound tab' it says that my pay should be of around 1000 (Thanks to skills and squad kills) in the weekly budget window, it is saying that my pay is 160( my basic pay without any bonuses)
Was this a new game in v0.27 or a continued one from v0.26?  Could you get me a screenshot of the script error if it happens again or copy the text of it directly out of your rgl_log.txt (main warband folder) after it happens.

This is on an entirely new game, as I did wipe out my old Silverstag installe when I formated my pc, as for the code error, it happens everytimes I open the budget tab' so I shouldn't have any issue finding the code.

Also, I wanted to ask if it was intended that when you get knocked out, and have no companions left, you automatically body-slide to a random NPC under the command of the side you are fighting with ? As switching to a man at arms allowed me to up the squad kills by 30 using him.


Here we go.
Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0 is running.
SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 23: Invalid Script Parameter ID: 0; LINE NO: 0:
At Script [1198] oath_calculate_weekly_pay.

Would it be helpful if I do give you the RGL_log lines of all the code errors I am or may run into ?

Thanks for the tremendous amount of work you've put in this mod !
Shakalis said:
This is on an entirely new game, as I did wipe out my old Silverstag installe when I formated my pc, as for the code error, it happens everytimes I open the budget tab' so I shouldn't have any issue finding the code.

Here we go.
Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0 is running.
SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 23: Invalid Script Parameter ID: 0; LINE NO: 0:
At Script [1198] oath_calculate_weekly_pay.
You're right.  I changed the parameters to that script and apparently forgot to update it on the budget presentation.  That is fixed for the next update now.

Also, I wanted to ask if it was intended that when you get knocked out, and have no companions left, you automatically body-slide to a random NPC under the command of the side you are fighting with ? As switching to a man at arms allowed me to up the squad kills by 30 using him.
Yes, it is intended for you to be able to body-slide into allied troops.  This is a special case I've opened up while serving under an Oathbound lord since you have fewer troops of your own to jump into.  I do need to prevent the tally from counting your kills when using an allied troop though.

Would it be helpful if I do give you the RGL_log lines of all the code errors I am or may run into ?
Yes.  The text itself is usually sufficient versus a screenshot unless something visual needs to be conveyed.
Quest Content - Most of the initial quests are very simple in design as you're a pretty low ranking person.  So they are intentionally "go here and do this" quests vs. ones that force you to make decisions.  Some of those will be coming with the later ranks.  I would like to know if it feels like there is enough variety that you don't feel like you are just grinding rating and reputation and if there are quest concepts you feel are missing and should be added.

I found it strange that I got asked to supply Uxkhal Bandits in the 'Make your mark" task. It requires you to have negative honour, and that is not typically something you have when working for the king.
When you get knocked out, you can still choose "Join Battle!" for rank gain afterwards, even though the only option is leave. Overall, a solid refinement of the Freelancer concept. Good Work!
I started in Praven and ran into one of the minstrels there in the tavern (forget the name).  When I clicked on the learn poem option, I CTD'ed with an "invalid opcode 8" error.
mvz111 said:
I started in Praven and ran into one of the minstrels there in the tavern (forget the name).  When I clicked on the learn poem option, I CTD'ed with an "invalid opcode 8" error.
You either need to run the WSE Loader before starting Warband or your copy of the WSE Loader is not working properly (it can shut itself down).  That's what causes an opcode 8 crash.  Warband is looking for a command from WSE and not finding it so it crashes.
D'oh.  :facepalm:  I forgot all about WSE and apparently I went into Praven before the mod could tell me it wasn't working.  Thx.
The War Hammer (Bec de Corbin) has lost all ability to swing or block. Can only sheath and unsheathe. I put this here because it worked fine in 0.26, the few times I used it.
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