Might just be my PC, but the latest patches have made the game dip down into constant ~10-13 fps during battles regardless of the graphics settings and even with the size limit at very low levels (~50). I used to be able to play with the battle sizes set at ~200+ with HDR mode set to on, although I've always had the texture quality and all the other settings extremely low. Now it seems I can't play it at all though, even with every settings at it's lowest (and hdr off ofc).. Previously I had the latest official cinematic version.
As a comparison I loaded up Steele and Blood (the only other mod I have installed ATM) and I have no problems with 200+ battle sizes at much higher graphics settings, still able to get at least 40-50fps. Not sure if it's just my laptop or what.. It's an i5 intel HD 3000, nothing special but only with the latest beta patches I've had these problems.
I see I still have 0.26.3 saved in my downloads folder, is that version still worth using or is it better to just stick with 0.26