SP Dark Ages [VC][Submod] Viking Conquest: Vikingrheim

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-Troop tree overhaul (currently working on)
          Some changes like: berserker/ulfheidin obtainable through nord troop tree, light cavalry, skirmishers and expanded ranged
          tree (currently just for nords), axe infantry troops added, changed items, some stats and skills.
        Female troop tree change to have 2 faction branches: nords (shieldmaidens) and celtics women.
        Some mercenaries and bandits to have a troop tree, like northman, vikingr.

-Change item costs and stats (a rebalanced like in Blood Eagle but for vc items)
-Check the acuracity of the characters in game if needed, correct it and add new, hero/lord like characters.
-Tweek, incomes to make villages, towns and forts yield more penings, monasteries to yield more gold too, and a few other lil tweaks.
-Cheaper ships.
-Some forts to have commerce and services like in the city.

Something more ambitious: (I need help)
-Expand the map to : Sweeden, part of Russia, Saxony, Germany, Normandy and part of Frankia -Need help with this
-Create a new troop tree for Swedish, Franks, Rus, Saxons and Germans. (Help doing this, adding the tree to be visual)

The mayor change that I want to make is change the town/forts garrisons to a limit of 100, each town and castle to have a guard captain with 100 soldiers under the order of the lord of the place and add the option to have patrols.

Each village to have from 1 to 3 farmsteads that are in the map near the village and belongs to some commoner and posible viking raider, yielding income too, add more lumbermills, mines and salt mines in the map and make them belong to a faction and give income, change or add the posibility to land as if they were ports to several norse forts.

-Add more characters of the "commoner" social class, to be vikings or to givel life to the game.
-Change visually the places after building improvements, have new characters, for example in a village a gothi if the shirine is built.
-Add other animals to trade and help economy, pigs, goats, chikens.
-Add roleplay things, like praying in the church, attending to sacrifices, interaction in the feasts, adding the assembly (thing).
-Divide Northumbria in 2 (Danelaw and Northumbria), change some lords relations -/+, and factions too.
-Fix the issue with Danmark and Northverg laziness

If someone knows what is possible and what aint, and would tell me or help me it would be amazing :smile:
hey @JurgenJuggernaut,

by your list of changes I will assume you are working with the modsys (game source), and not .txt. If you aren't that will limit most of your ideas.

Troop tree overhaul: remember to update the lords armies as well. Balancing this will be a nightmare, but you already know that  :mrgreen:

Change item costs and stats: mostly a issue of balance, in special with your economy (how you view the personal/character x kingdom economy)

New lords: nothing major here

Income tweaks: that is easy to do, you can even look at the Tweaks Tool as it is already there

Cheaper ships: simple change as well

Forts to have commerce: question of adding new npcs and placing them there, nothing major

Expand the map to: you probably will have to start from scratch for this, as VC map is already on the limit of what the engine can handle. If you try to edit that high poly map you will crash the game. That means creating a new world map and placing all the centers on it, updating spawn points for bandits, etc. So that could take dozens of hours alone.

--> this also implies creating new scenes, factions, troops, items, .... which could take up to hundreds of hours of work (depends on your ambition). So plan this ahead of time and try to limit the scope of your change

Create a new troop tree: depends on how ambitious you are. If you plan to add new items, armours, faces, etc, this could take dozens to hundreds of hours. If you just want to recycle the game items and create a new tree kind that will be quick, with balancing being your biggest issue

Town/forts garrisons to a limit of 100: see Tweaks Tool, and remember to update your game economy to reflect this changes. Also keep in mind if you make forts too weak then the lords npcs will keep conquering them like crazy hehe

Each village to have from 1 to 3 farmsteads: with the map size (scale) that may take too much space, but no problem with the idea

Add more characters of the "commoner" social class: ok

Change visually the places after building improvements: imagine doing this for 100 different scenes. Again its the kind of change that could take dozens or more hours of work alone, so be sure you want this  :mrgreen:

Add other animals to trade: just a abstract product, so no issues, but you will need to learn how trading economy works and is setup within the game

Add roleplay things: ok

Divide Northumbria in 2: current game year does that following history, with that faction having a puppet king (Christian) and several pagan lords (so its half-half kingdom). You can of course break it, just keep in mind that creating factions in VC will require extra work (so the guide in the Forge won't be enough)

Fix the issue with Danmark and Northverg laziness: its not a issue, but a game design decision. You can of course change the AI behaviour, but keep in mind that anything AI related means a lot of work on your part

TLDR: in all your ideas are doable, just keep in mind how much time you want to invest (few dozens hours or a thousand hours), that you will need to go deep into the game code and assets creating (maps, scenes, etc), that AI and balancing game economy and balance of power will take a lot of your time (if you want a game that makes sense). So try to limit your scope and work on small things, and let the project grow over time

Good luck! And remember to visit the Forge Q&A thread when you need help
JurgenJuggernaut said:
Thanks, so far im just with troop tree, which txt is the one I have to update for the lords armies?

like I mentioned above if you want to only work with .txt files, you won't be able to do most of your features listed above. IIRC tools won't help updating the lords armies either, altho you could do it manually.

you should check the modsys tutorial to learn how to mod with the game source, which will let you do pretty much anything you want

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