VBV_PW_RP Thread (Closed)

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Sergeant Knight
I've shut down all of my servers.

Virtual Blitz Vanguard
Persistent World

Name(v4): VBV_PW4_RP
Name(v3.5b): VBV_PW3_5_RP
TeamSpeak 3:
Hosted in Europe.

Other server owners can feel free to copy our rulesets, including the translations.

1. No Randoming:
Killing/attacking someone without an in-character reason is considered "randoming" and is not allowed.
2. No Revenge Killing:
When killed; killing/attacking anyone involved is considered "revenge killing" and is not allowed.
3. Robbing/Taxing:
While there are no set limitations regarding how much one can demand while robbing or taxing, we ask that you remain within reasonable amounts.
For example, you do not demand that a peasant with a hatchet drops 10 000 coins.
Anyone, from any faction, can rob and tax anyone from any faction.
4. Faction War:
Actively seeking out people who have just spawned in order to kill them over and over again will make an administrator intervene. Join the faction if you're going to fight for them, don't fight for a faction as a Commoner or an Outlaw. Only factions can be at war, Commoners and Outlaws does not count as factions.
5. Assassins:
You've got to have an in-character reason to hire an assassin.

1. Randoming er Forbudt:
Å drepe/angripe noen uten en grunn i-karakter blir kalt "randoming" og er ikke lov.
2. Revenge Killing er Forbudt:
Det å angripe en person bak din død blir kalt "revenge killing" og er ikke lov.
3. Robbing eller samle inn skatt:
Selv om det ikke er noen limitasjoner på akuratt hvor mye du kan robbe/kreve i skatt, så ber vi deg være rimelig.
For eksempel, du krever ikke at en bonde med en hatchet gir deg 10 000 coins.
4. I en Fraksjon Krig:
I en Fraksjon(Faction) krig, vil det å drepe nylig spawned fiender om og om igjen gjøre at en administrator stopper deg. Du må bli med i fraksjonen du skal kjempe for; ikke kjemp for en fraksjon i krig som en commoner eller en outlaw.
5. Leiemordere:
Du må ha en i-karakter grunn til å leie en leiemorder.

1. Kein sinnloses Töten
Jemanden töten oder angreifen ohne einen gerechtfertigten 'in-character' Grund wird als 'randoming' bezeichnet und ist nicht erlaubt.
2. Anti Revenge Regel
Es ist nicht erlaubt jemanden zu töten der Sie kurz zuvor tötete.
3. Robbing and Taxing
Da keine Einschränkungen gegeben sind wieviel Sie von jemanden verlangen können während des Überfalls, bitten wir Sie jedoch nur angemessene Mengen zu verlangen.
Sie verlangen zum Beispiel nicht von einem Bauer, mit einem Beil, dass er ihnen 10000 Geldeinheiten zu geben hat.
4. Im Laufe eines Krieges
Sollten sie jemanden der immer wieder neu „respawnt“ wieder und wieder töten, so wird ein Administrator eingreifen. Wenn Sie für eine Fraktion kämpfen wollen, haben Sie dieser beizutreten. Kämpfen Sie niemals als Bandit oder Bürgerlicher für eine bestimmte Fraktion.
5. Assassinen
Sie benötigen einen „in-character“ Anlass um einen Assassinen anzuheuern.

1. Ingen Randoming:
Döda/attackera någon utan någon slags i karaktär anledning är räknat som (random) och är inte tillåtet.
2. Inget Hämnd dödande:
När du har blivit dödad; Döda/attackera någon som var med och döda dig är räknat som "Hämnd döda" och är inte tillåtet.
3. Råna/skatta:
När det inte är någon satt summa på hur mycket du kan ta när du rånar eller skattar, Så hoppas vi på att du ger en summa som är möjlig att betala,
till exempel: du ska inte tvinga en bonde med en "trä yxa" ge dig 10000guld.
4. Under ett Faction Krig:
Aktivt söka upp människor som precis har spanat i syfte att döda dom om och om igen kommer att göra att en administratör kommer ingripa. Gå med i factionen om du ska slåss för dom, slåss inte som en commner eller bandit.
5. Assassins:
Du måste ha ett i karaktär anledning för att hyra en assassin.

In character=zółty czat
Out of Character=biały czat

1. No Randoming:
Zabijanie lub atakowanie kogoś bez powodu "in character reason" jest nazywane "randoming" i jest zakazane.
2. No Revenge Killing:
Jeśli ktoś cię zabije, atakowanie/zabicie swojego zabójcy jest nazywany "revenge killing" i jest niedozwolone.
3. Rabowanie:
Nie ma limitów określających ile złota/rzeczy możesz zarządać podczas rabunku, ale musi być to racjonalna suma. Dla przykładu nie możesz wymagać 10 000 sztuk złota od zwykłego chłopa. (PS. jeśli ktoś zapłaci, nie możesz go zabić)
4. Podczas wojny frakcji:
Wyszukiwanie ludzi którzy właśnie się odrodzili (zespawnowali) aby ich zabijać cały czas doprowadzi do interwencji administratora. Jeśli chcesz walczyć dołącz do frakcji, nie walcz jako "commoner" albo "outlaw".
5. Zabójcy:
Musisz mieć powód "in-character" aby wynająć zabójcę.

1. No Randoming: Do not attack/kill anyone without a reason.
2. No Revenge Killing: Do not attack/kill anyone involved in your death.
3. No Spawnkilling
4. Assassins: You've got to have a reason to hire an assassin to kill someone.

Questions & Answers:
Q: Is this server European?
A: Yes.

Q: Will I be banned for having a trollish name?
A: No.

Q: Will I be banned for using foul language?
A: No.

Q: Can I have a channel for my group/friends/clan/other on your TeamSpeak server? If so, who do I talk to about setting one up?
A: Yes, you can. Find me on TeamSpeak and I'll make a channel for you.

Q: I have a problem with your server, where do I go?
A: Add me on Steam (rolling43), talk to me over TeamSpeak ( or send me a personal message.

Q: I am interested in becoming a member of your clan, what do I do?
A: I'm available over Steam and TeamSpeak on most days, anyone can talk to me there, about anything.

As stated in the Q&A: If you have any problems, you can contact me over TeamSpeak 3 (, Steam (rolling43) or personal message.

Unban requests:
Post a reply to this thread containing this information:

Your in game name:
Who banned you:
Why you were banned:
I was on today, and I was met with a series of revenge killing attempts at my life after RP-robbing three peasants. It was hilarious - I just kept felling them when they tried to get me.

One time was memorable, it could've been epic with RP - I was ambushed at a bridge. Needless to say, I just killed them all.
I am now hosting a v3.5b server as well. Feel free to come on and play if you're interested. Let's have a player-rush this weekend, shall we?
A full set of rules can be found in the first post and by reading the welcome message in-game.
Server name: VBV_PW3_5_RP

Friedrich_Conchal said:
Good Luck but you use Google Translater to translate into German?
No. All translations are written by native speakers.
Das Knecht said:
I was on today, and I was met with a series of revenge killing attempts at my life after RP-robbing three peasants.
It you want to report them. Feel free to give me their names.
I tried to speak to them many times, trying to explain the rules to them. They either cannot speak english or just refused to listen. They didn't write a single word.
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