SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Vassals wont garrison after taking fief/Fief election delay. Mercenaries becoming vassals.

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Sometimes it takes 1-2 days before the fief election notification pops up, is this deliberate? If so vassals in army should garrison fiefs after taking it. It seems my vassals wont garrison unless they own the fief, and because the owner changes to me(ruler) after any of my vassals siege and take a fief they will just leave the fief defenceless and an enemy party will instantly take the fief back.

Im not sure if this is a feature or a bug but on more than one occasions in my play-through mercenaries literally converted into vassals. For example in the encyclopedia, under Eleftheroi clan it literally says "Vassal of the Khuzaits" in my game and they also own fiefs. I think this feature would actually be cool, allow us to convert mercenary clans after bonding with them to become your vassal (some of the lords from the clan), then they should lose the "of the Eleftheroi" title(just an example) and their new clan name becomes <insert generic family name>. Then the Eleftheroi mercenary clan gets a new leader and some new family members.

Just a suggestion though.
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