SP - Scenes Varied scenes when entering a keep

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Grandmaster Knight
At the moment every time you enter a keep the scene is the same bland thing. I'm not taking about the design of the interiors themselves, obviously they're varied and beautiful. I'm talking about what the NPCs are doing when you enter the scene. It's basically like WB. All they do is walk around aimlessly. Sometimes sitting down but mostly staring into space. There needs to be a little bit of variations on what is happening when you enter these keep scenes. I have some suggestions but they could be expanded upon:

1) The lord is sitting on his throne/main seat (I call it the gansta seat) attending to some serfs.
2) A lord is in there practicing with a new sword. Just swinging it about while a proud blacksmith looks on.
3) The lord could be at his desk writing on a piece of parchment.
4) Two lords could be in the middle of a board game and one flings it over in frustration.
5) The lord could be sitting down to eat lunch/dinner with his family.
6) A lady could be trying on a new dress with dress makers and attendants near by.
7) A lord could be trying on a new piece of armor in the same way.
9) A lord could be looking over some building plans with a guild master next to him (or one of the town/castle notables; to add some immersion)

Etc, etc. There's a whole lot of possible different things that could be done to just add a little bit of detail to the sand box and add a little soul into the game. Give the impression to the player that the world is alive and moves on around him.
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