
One thing I've always noticed but enjoyed the game too much to really worry about is the essentially repetative nature of all tactical engagements. There's one and only one victory condition: destroy all monsters! Err. Opponents.
Maybe some other sorts of battles could be developed?
Attack location. Take a particular site on the map from defenders. Defenders would have an automatic tactical advantage, would not be drawn away from the site, and should have plentiful cover/archer/crossbow support if in the open. There should be different sites. Camps, bridges, crossroads, small manors/keeps with interiors rendered, etc.
Defend location. Attackers should be aggressive and not easily distracted from the target. No natural tactical advantage for defending players.
Escort X. X being caravans of slow moving merchant wagons, mobs of refugees, army supplies, seige equipment, etc. The escortee should move at a slow, constant, rate across the tactical map. The end reward (or effectiveness of the escorted goods/equipment if it has a function) depends on how well preserved the escortees are.
I'm sure other folks can think of other conditions for victory. Missions like these could be dynamic or assigned missions. They could arise from NPC granted quests, an event engine or as consequences of strategic warfare engine should the latter two ever be incorporated.
Edit: Another, far more exotic, possibility could be for special Scenarios to come up in play that only the player and special NPCs can come along for with a max of 4 or so participants. These could happen on specially designed maps (easily moddable) and incorporate some dialogue and other unusual elements like traps. Special conditions could be placed on them (no mounts, for example, in interiors). Rewards could vary from items, troops, special NPCs, gold or possibly even special items (saint's relics, legendary banners, special medicines - essentially non-magical magic items that might give a morale or modest stat boost). Finding the location of such special Scenarios could be the result of happenstance or the result of doing alot of more conventional missions for an NPC.
Maybe some other sorts of battles could be developed?
Attack location. Take a particular site on the map from defenders. Defenders would have an automatic tactical advantage, would not be drawn away from the site, and should have plentiful cover/archer/crossbow support if in the open. There should be different sites. Camps, bridges, crossroads, small manors/keeps with interiors rendered, etc.
Defend location. Attackers should be aggressive and not easily distracted from the target. No natural tactical advantage for defending players.
Escort X. X being caravans of slow moving merchant wagons, mobs of refugees, army supplies, seige equipment, etc. The escortee should move at a slow, constant, rate across the tactical map. The end reward (or effectiveness of the escorted goods/equipment if it has a function) depends on how well preserved the escortees are.
I'm sure other folks can think of other conditions for victory. Missions like these could be dynamic or assigned missions. They could arise from NPC granted quests, an event engine or as consequences of strategic warfare engine should the latter two ever be incorporated.
Edit: Another, far more exotic, possibility could be for special Scenarios to come up in play that only the player and special NPCs can come along for with a max of 4 or so participants. These could happen on specially designed maps (easily moddable) and incorporate some dialogue and other unusual elements like traps. Special conditions could be placed on them (no mounts, for example, in interiors). Rewards could vary from items, troops, special NPCs, gold or possibly even special items (saint's relics, legendary banners, special medicines - essentially non-magical magic items that might give a morale or modest stat boost). Finding the location of such special Scenarios could be the result of happenstance or the result of doing alot of more conventional missions for an NPC.