Valkyrie Troop Tree?

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I've started experimenting with running around while maintaining large numbers of troops from The Empire. I made an exception, however, for Valkyries. They have been very effective for me, and I have read that others here share that mentality.

I'd like to recruit more of them, so after looking at the troop tree on the wiki, I picked up some peasants from a few of the Fierdsvain villages and they've been progressing quickly. Unfortunately it appears that the training path which they have taken differs significantly from the troop tree diagram. That isn't really a surprise though, considering that many changes were made for version 3.0.

Can anyone share the troop training tree for the Valkyries? I am guessing that it might start out with Peasant Women, but I'd like to verify that before I start rescuing them.

Thanks so much.
You guessed right. You can level up valkiries from the female troop tree:
Peasant -> Maiden scout -> Maiden warder -> Maiden ranger -> fierdsvain sword maiden -> valkirie.
Somnol said:
You guessed right. You can level up valkiries from the female troop tree:
Peasant -> Maiden scout -> Maiden warder -> Maiden ranger -> fierdsvain sword maiden -> valkirie.

Thanks a bunch Somnol. Looks like the dozen Fierdsvain that I recruited are gonna have to prove themselves worthy. :smile:

Off to hunt the captors of some maidens and peasant women!
You can also train Valkyries from Fierdsvain noblewomen. It goes like this:

Noblewoman --> Sword Maiden --> Valkyrie

You must own a castle or a city with training grounds to get them though, and each Noblewoman will cost 500 denars to recruit her. Unless, of course, you manage to capture/recruit or liberate/hire any of these. Still, the peasant woman path is the easiest and cheapest.

Tip: Always put your Sword Maidens and below at the bottom of your army till they train into Valkyries. They tend to die pretty easily and are mediocre in battle. Valkyries is a completely different story though.
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