Vaegir Rules, Swadia... not so much.

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I've started what must be my 15th character today, and I decided to try playing as a Swadian, just because I never had before. It also seemed like my new crossbowman would fit in better with the Swadians than with the Vaegirs. So I walked over to Praven, wide-eyed level one Squire, and spoke to the Count.

He was more than happy to accept me into the army, since he'd only have to pay me a measly 10 denar a week. That was okay though, I'd be poorer but I'd have crossbowmen and knights keeping me alive soon enough, and until then they'd probably be just liek the ol' Vaegirs and use me to replace the UPS man.

Only they didn't. My first mission was to head ut and capture 6 Vaegir knights. I'm a level one squire, I'd be lucky to beat a single Vaegir knight in single combat, but you don't find knights off roaming by themselves, I was screwed. So I decided, let Praven rot, I'll go to Tihr.

So I set off for Tihr, and, after running past a few groups of Sea Raiders and surviving an attack form River Pirates, I spoke to the Count of Tihr. The Count smiled and asked em to "Fetch 8 nomad sabres". That would have been a great assignment, if I had more than 128 denars to my name. I decided I'd best look elsewhere for work, and so I set off to Suno.

Eventually, I visited every Swadian city in existence. I even went to Dhorak Keep, just to say hi. I had no money, I'd lost my horse and my foot to a few attacks by Khergits and Steppe Bandits and I still hadn't gotten one lousy courier mission. Although several counts were interested in why they hadn't recieved their dozen platemail armours yet.

As soon as I get some scratch I'm bribing the Vargirs into taking me in, these Swadian overlords are way too aloof and oppresive.
I'm apparently going to have to check out the Vaegirs...

...Capture the moron, get me 30 of these, raise me up 6 of these, and go capture 12 of these are the only quests I really seem to get, with the rare message thrown in for 100 xp.
It has been my experience that, the more money you spend on a quest, the higher that the reward is. While one of my quests for buying 15 hunters for a certain count was very expensive. It payed out more than double of what I spent on it. I haven't tried joining Vaegir yet. Are there any differences?
nope, mission are random, i once got a quest to get 19 warhorses for the viegirs, and then another quest to get 17 chargerws from the swads, those pay off REAL WELL, like 400,000 some odd gold or so
I wwould like to be able to reject a noble's jobs, like merchants. It is random, nothing to do with faction. But when as a level one you get "Fetch me 12 plate mail, armor wench!" it can be quite difficult.

Thats why I play with quit anytime and save before I ask the noble for a job. Yep, call me a cheater, but also call those jobs impossible. Once I'm higher up I'll take anything.
Dammit, alesch, you've been taking my jobs! It's annoying as hell for me at level 30 when the king just keeps giving me no-pay loser jobs like "fetch me 6 pitchforks".

And also, swadians kick Vaegir ass. The Vaegirs are ridiculously poorly equipped, each Swadian is about one tier above his Vaegir counterpart when it comes to equipment.
I play with the Vaegirs, but the Swadians do look way stronger. They have all the better armor, the better weapons and such. The Vaegirs with their damn steppe caps. :mad:

For role-playing reasons, I thought a while if I'd change to Swadians and use their units instead of simply hiring Swadians and being Vaegir, but since I'm a Knight-at-arms already, I'll leave it be. I'm traing sword sisters instead. :grin:
I'm currently role-playing a moderately-well-equipped Swadian footsoldier, armed with a pike and in the best leather armour money can buy (I don't go above leather because I feel it's out of character :razz:). Marnid and Borcha are similarly equipped, and I have 27 other men in my warband - all Swadians, from footmen to sergeants. These 30 men have recently taken on two Vaegir War Parties, the first with 79 men and the second with 84 - the total friendly casualty rate (both engagements together) was 3 dead Swadians and 163 dead Vaegirs - my infantry really are superb. Swadian footmen, even, are better than the equivalent Vaegir veterans - and with their spears and shields, a group of Swadian footmen can easily take down an equivalent group of Vaegir knights.
Here's a tip if you only like certain types of noble missions.

No peer will give out the same type of mission if one of his compatratriots has already given it out. So, visit each city and get a quest, but only actually complete the ones you like. Be sure to request another mission as soon as you get your reward.
Mechstra, that's all changed with 0.632. Mounted troops have been given a massive edge with the knockdown effect, they're now just as dangerous as they should be. It's still possible to triumph with infantry, but it's much harder.
okiN said:
Mechstra, that's all changed with 0.632. Mounted troops have been given a massive edge with the knockdown effect, they're now just as dangerous as they should be. It's still possible to triumph with infantry, but it's much harder.
It's with 0.632 that I started this character. :razz:
My character was actually level 10 before I was able to actually complete any of the quests I was given, and even then I ahd to be dirty about it. Need to capture some soldiers? I'll just look around for osmeone who's already fighting a battle and leech some of their prisoners thankyouverymuch. This is the first time I played as any type of infantryman, but with a crossbow and some decent skill my character is surprisingly effective. It's really funny to have a bolt cocked and just let it fly into a cavalryman's face jsut before he tramples you.

Now that I can complete some of the quests I was given I'm startign to liek Swadia a bit more, the startign pay sucks but they seem to pay you substatially more than the Vaegirs as you rise in ranks. Of course their higher level units seem to be much more expensive. One Swadian Sahrpshooter costs 48 gold a week!
It's bloody worth it, though. Sharpshooters can hold their own in melee and their volleys can take down quite a few enemies.

In M&B, crossbows are infinitely superior to bows - if you take horses out of the equation, of course.
Mechstra said:
It's bloody worth it, though. Sharpshooters can hold their own in melee and their volleys can take down quite a few enemies.

In M&B, crossbows are infinitely superior to bows - if you take horses out of the equation, of course.

I'm not so sure. One on one someone using a bow can take down someone using a crossbow because they can get shots fired off much faster and interrupt the crossbowman. Plus, the crossbowman can't move when loading leaving him very vulnerable to a ranged attack.

Crossbows and bows have their places, but I don't think either is superior.
But pit an AI archer against an AI crossbowman, and most of the time the crossbowman will win - better accuracy, better shot damage, and so on. If both the players were human-controlled then the archer's fire rate might come into it, but AI archers don't shoot immediately anyway - they lose both time and accuracy by holding their arrows for longer.
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