
I've started what must be my 15th character today, and I decided to try playing as a Swadian, just because I never had before. It also seemed like my new crossbowman would fit in better with the Swadians than with the Vaegirs. So I walked over to Praven, wide-eyed level one Squire, and spoke to the Count.
He was more than happy to accept me into the army, since he'd only have to pay me a measly 10 denar a week. That was okay though, I'd be poorer but I'd have crossbowmen and knights keeping me alive soon enough, and until then they'd probably be just liek the ol' Vaegirs and use me to replace the UPS man.
Only they didn't. My first mission was to head ut and capture 6 Vaegir knights. I'm a level one squire, I'd be lucky to beat a single Vaegir knight in single combat, but you don't find knights off roaming by themselves, I was screwed. So I decided, let Praven rot, I'll go to Tihr.
So I set off for Tihr, and, after running past a few groups of Sea Raiders and surviving an attack form River Pirates, I spoke to the Count of Tihr. The Count smiled and asked em to "Fetch 8 nomad sabres". That would have been a great assignment, if I had more than 128 denars to my name. I decided I'd best look elsewhere for work, and so I set off to Suno.
Eventually, I visited every Swadian city in existence. I even went to Dhorak Keep, just to say hi. I had no money, I'd lost my horse and my foot to a few attacks by Khergits and Steppe Bandits and I still hadn't gotten one lousy courier mission. Although several counts were interested in why they hadn't recieved their dozen platemail armours yet.
As soon as I get some scratch I'm bribing the Vargirs into taking me in, these Swadian overlords are way too aloof and oppresive.
He was more than happy to accept me into the army, since he'd only have to pay me a measly 10 denar a week. That was okay though, I'd be poorer but I'd have crossbowmen and knights keeping me alive soon enough, and until then they'd probably be just liek the ol' Vaegirs and use me to replace the UPS man.
Only they didn't. My first mission was to head ut and capture 6 Vaegir knights. I'm a level one squire, I'd be lucky to beat a single Vaegir knight in single combat, but you don't find knights off roaming by themselves, I was screwed. So I decided, let Praven rot, I'll go to Tihr.
So I set off for Tihr, and, after running past a few groups of Sea Raiders and surviving an attack form River Pirates, I spoke to the Count of Tihr. The Count smiled and asked em to "Fetch 8 nomad sabres". That would have been a great assignment, if I had more than 128 denars to my name. I decided I'd best look elsewhere for work, and so I set off to Suno.
Eventually, I visited every Swadian city in existence. I even went to Dhorak Keep, just to say hi. I had no money, I'd lost my horse and my foot to a few attacks by Khergits and Steppe Bandits and I still hadn't gotten one lousy courier mission. Although several counts were interested in why they hadn't recieved their dozen platemail armours yet.
As soon as I get some scratch I'm bribing the Vargirs into taking me in, these Swadian overlords are way too aloof and oppresive.