Soon You may expect release of brand new SoD version.
Works there is (as usual) small dely. I have everything coded. I'm just waiting for some arts, also I must deal with one nasty bug. Small but nasty enough to make Laws unplayable. Also native English speaker must write Law's descriptions. In few hours however I will upload this messed up version so that if someone wants to help he mmight test other new features. Also I maybe in my absence Shjn will finish making arts for laws and maybe Mordachai will somehow find the nasty bug before I have a chance to log in.
As I said, everything except Auxiliarii changes (and except blacksmith that is minor and easy code that will be added later, it doesn't require testing, it's too easy to make mistake there) is already coded.
I will also soon post an updated list of Laws with their currently coded statistics.
Because I don't have home internet connection right now (with the end of April I changed my internet provider)This Sunday we are going to release first early alpha. We will need people to bug test it and help ballance it. Alpha will not containt Auxiliarii changes yet, but they are already tested in Twan's mod so after Mordachai merges them we will only release it in short beta period to see if they were implemented right.
V4.5 changes:
Merging Twan's Auxiliarii with main SoD version.
Economy Tweak:
New skill (made from old Prisoner managment) Administration will be responsible for how many fiefs player can hold without income penalty.
Taxes for villages and towns will be separated
Lords will pay scutage to a King from their fiefs
All buildings were reworked
Player can choose from 36 laws. 10 laws can be active at one time. They will have significant influence on a game.
Buildings and Laws create synergies.
Player must maintain good relations with his villages, towns, clergy and nobles or he might suffer a rebellion.
5 different rebellions: Peasant's, Townspeople's, Native Caladrian Religion, Player Religion Zealots and Noble's Rebellion.
And possibly more...
Small preview of how Law's screen will look like, these are early versions, esspecialy the in game screenshots and will change:
Bacground projects:
In game early preview:
Please discuss about laws/buildings and help us ballance them. Always use arguments to back up your oppinion, "I would make Temple give +5 reputation instead of +2." is not really helpful if not argumented.
Here is V4.5 pre alpha. It's NOT playable. It's only for those who would like to share some of their time to help find some errors. I can guarantee only that the laws will not work as intended
Peasant and Town Rebellions can break off when average relations are below -30 (the lower the greater chance). They can break off every 50 days and first also can break off 50 days from the start. Usually it's almost impossible to have such low relations but extreeme law policies can lead to this (thus this feature is not really functional without laws).
Religious rebellion (native caladrians who don't like your religion) can break off when your faith acceptance is below -30.
Zealous (your own religion fanatics) and Noble rebellions can break off when Clergy or Noble happines is low (only laws change that). And this last two are esspecialy nasty because armies also consist off Nobles and Faith troops.
Administration skill -> the higher the better efficiency of taxes. If you have too many fiefs you will get less taxes from all of them. i.e. Village costs 10 Demense Points, Castle costs 15 demense points and Town costs 30. Each point in Administration gives 50 Demense points. Each point over your limit decreases tax efficiency by 1%. It means that 10 viillages over the limit will hit you with 100% tax penalty. But if you have really high Administration and just little fiefs you will get better efficiency from the fiefs you already have.
There are no reports yet about how many this points you have, also there are no reports about noble/clergy happines yet.
Prisoner Managment skill was removed. Leadership now gives 10 party size and 10 prisoners for each level. Also base prisoner limit is 10.
Sword of Damocles V4.5 pre pre pre alpha
Clone your V4.1 folder and paste the files from the folder below to this folder, override files.
Peasant and Town Rebellions can break off when average relations are below -30 (the lower the greater chance). They can break off every 50 days and first also can break off 50 days from the start. Usually it's almost impossible to have such low relations but extreeme law policies can lead to this (thus this feature is not really functional without laws).
Religious rebellion (native caladrians who don't like your religion) can break off when your faith acceptance is below -30.
Zealous (your own religion fanatics) and Noble rebellions can break off when Clergy or Noble happines is low (only laws change that). And this last two are esspecialy nasty because armies also consist off Nobles and Faith troops.
Administration skill -> the higher the better efficiency of taxes. If you have too many fiefs you will get less taxes from all of them. i.e. Village costs 10 Demense Points, Castle costs 15 demense points and Town costs 30. Each point in Administration gives 50 Demense points. Each point over your limit decreases tax efficiency by 1%. It means that 10 viillages over the limit will hit you with 100% tax penalty. But if you have really high Administration and just little fiefs you will get better efficiency from the fiefs you already have.
There are no reports yet about how many this points you have, also there are no reports about noble/clergy happines yet.
Prisoner Managment skill was removed. Leadership now gives 10 party size and 10 prisoners for each level. Also base prisoner limit is 10.
Sword of Damocles V4.5 pre pre pre alpha
Clone your V4.1 folder and paste the files from the folder below to this folder, override files.
Works there is (as usual) small dely. I have everything coded. I'm just waiting for some arts, also I must deal with one nasty bug. Small but nasty enough to make Laws unplayable. Also native English speaker must write Law's descriptions. In few hours however I will upload this messed up version so that if someone wants to help he mmight test other new features. Also I maybe in my absence Shjn will finish making arts for laws and maybe Mordachai will somehow find the nasty bug before I have a chance to log in.
As I said, everything except Auxiliarii changes (and except blacksmith that is minor and easy code that will be added later, it doesn't require testing, it's too easy to make mistake there) is already coded.
I will also soon post an updated list of Laws with their currently coded statistics.
Because I don't have home internet connection right now (with the end of April I changed my internet provider)
V4.5 changes:
Merging Twan's Auxiliarii with main SoD version.
Economy Tweak:
New skill (made from old Prisoner managment) Administration will be responsible for how many fiefs player can hold without income penalty.
Taxes for villages and towns will be separated
Lords will pay scutage to a King from their fiefs
All buildings were reworked
Player can choose from 36 laws. 10 laws can be active at one time. They will have significant influence on a game.
Buildings and Laws create synergies.
Player must maintain good relations with his villages, towns, clergy and nobles or he might suffer a rebellion.
5 different rebellions: Peasant's, Townspeople's, Native Caladrian Religion, Player Religion Zealots and Noble's Rebellion.
And possibly more...
Small preview of how Law's screen will look like, these are early versions, esspecialy the in game screenshots and will change:
Bacground projects:
In game early preview:
Please discuss about laws/buildings and help us ballance them. Always use arguments to back up your oppinion, "I would make Temple give +5 reputation instead of +2." is not really helpful if not argumented.
Format is: g_sod_building_NAME_WHAT DOES IT MODYFY, VALUE
Usually it's weekly change with exception of Demense and Max Prosperity. Second one is self explanatory. Demense needs more explanation:
Player for each Intelligence point and for each point in Administration skill gets this Demense points. Each fief "costs" demense points. I.e. We have 50 demense points and we have villages/towns/castles that cost in total 70 demense points. We will earn 20% LESS from taxes from ALL our fiefs. It works in the oter side too. If we have 50 demense points and only one village (that costs 10 demense points) we will get 40% MORE income. So each demense point is 1% more income.
Usually it's weekly change with exception of Demense and Max Prosperity. Second one is self explanatory. Demense needs more explanation:
Player for each Intelligence point and for each point in Administration skill gets this Demense points. Each fief "costs" demense points. I.e. We have 50 demense points and we have villages/towns/castles that cost in total 70 demense points. We will earn 20% LESS from taxes from ALL our fiefs. It works in the oter side too. If we have 50 demense points and only one village (that costs 10 demense points) we will get 40% MORE income. So each demense point is 1% more income.
(assign, "$g_sod_building_manor_demense", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_manor_renown", 3),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_mill_prosperity", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_mill_max_prosperity", 20),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_mill_income", 10), #% of taxes
(assign, "$g_sod_building_watchtower_demense", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_inn_reputation", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_shrine_local_faith", 3),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_shrine_global_faith", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_shrine_reputation", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_monastery_local_faith", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_monastery_global_faith", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_monastery_income", 5),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_messengerpost_demense", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_prisonertower_reputation", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_temple_local_faith", 5),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_temple_global_faith", 4),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_temple_reputation", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_barracks_demense", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_range_demense", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_stables_demense", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_stables_renown", 4),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_chapter_demense", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_chapter_renown", 5),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_guild_income", 10),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_guild_demense", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_guild_reputation", 1),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_guild_prosperity", 2),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_university_renown", 15),
(assign, "$g_sod_building_university_reputation", 1),
36 laws in total 9 per category 10 can be active
Cost for dismissing/introducing law is paid once
Sometimes I write "Reputation" it means relation of course.
Some laws boost some buildings to create synergies.
COST INTRODUCE/COST DISMISS is always just one time effect while other effects are weekly.
# ##############
villages's privileges
# ##############
########### 1 ##############
#1 Privilege to Hold Village Fairs
+10% income in villages/week - trade is generating income
+1 prosperity in villages/week- income is generating prosperity
+1 popularity in villages/week - and it's nice event, makes people happy
+1 Mill prosperity
-10% income from towns - but the towns were centers of trade and now they are not
-1 popularity in towns/week - and town's merchants are pissed off
#COST introduce
-5 popularity in towns
-5 popularity in villages
########### 2 ##############
#2 Privilege to Hunt in King's Woods
+20% population growth - it helps survive hard times
+1 popularity in villages/week - and it's nice of you
-10% nobles limit - less animals for them to hunt
-1 nobles happines/week
#COST introduce
-10 nobles happines
-5 popularity in villages
############# 3 ############
#3 Privilege to Chop Wood in King's Woods
+1 prosperity in villages/week - building materials are easier to get
+1 manor demense
-10% income from villages - but that's your wood and they no longer buy it from you
#COST introduce
1000 denars
############# 4 ############
#4 Privilege to Brew Ale
-1 prosperity in villages/week - they are drinking more
+2 popularity in villages/week - but that's cool
+1 Inn reputation
#COST introduce
1000 denars
-5 popularity in villages
############### 5 ##########
#5 Right to Trial by a Jury of Their Equals
-10% income in villages/week - from fees etc.
+1 popularity in villages/week - you are no longer blamed for injustice
+1 manor renown
#COST introduce
1000 denars
-5 popularity in villages
################ 6 #########
#6 Affranchisement of Peasants
+2 prosperity in villages/week - but peasants are now working on their own land
+80% income from villages - pay all taxes directly to you
+40% pupulation growth in villages - can affort mor children
+5 popularity in villages/week - and you are true King of the Peasant's
+20 player party size
+1 watchtower demense
-50% nobles limit - WHAT! noble's rightfull land now belongs to peasants?
-10 renown/week - that's just disgrace
-3 noble happines/week
#COST introduce
-20 noble happines
-30 popularity in villages
################ 7 #########
#7 High Capitation Tax for Peasants
EXCLUDES: Low Capitation Tax
+20% income from villages
+10% mill income
-1 prosperity in villages
-1 popularity in villages
-5 popularity in villages
2000 denars
################ 8 #########
#8 Low Capitation Tax for Peasants
EXCLUDES: High Capitation Tax
-20% income from villages
+1 inn reputation
+1 prosperity in villages
+1 popularity in villages
1000 denars
-5 popularity in villages
################ 9 #########
#9 Peasant's Representation in Parliament
+1 popularity in villages
+20% population in villages
+10 player party size
+10 lords party size
+1 messangerpost demense
-10% nobles limit
-1 nobles happines/week
-5 renown/week
-10 nobles happines
-10 popularity in villages
# ##############
townspeople's privileges
# ##############
################ 1 #########
#1 To Mint own Coin
-15% income from towns - making money is quite profitable
+1 prosperity in towns/week - same reason as above
+5 demense
+1 guild prosperity
#COST introduce
1000 denars
2000 denars
############### 2 ##########
#2 To Collect Tools
+10% income from towns - rich bastards become even richer
+1 prosperity in towns/week - and more prosperous
+10 guild income
-10% income from villages - but it's less profitable to trade and producers suffer
-1 prosperity in villages/week - and when they suffer prosperity also suffers
#COST introduce
-5 popularity in villages
-5 popularity in towns
############## 3 ###########
#3 To Buy and Hold Offices
+10% income from towns - you can sell offices to commoners
+1 popularity in towns/week - you are happy and they are happy, everyone is happy
+1 universit relation
-10% noble's limit - except nobles who now don't have sole right to hold offices
#COST introduce
-10 nobles happines
-5 popularity in towns
############# 4 ############
#4 Free Cities
+2 prosperity in towns/week
+2 popularity in towns/week
+20% population growth
+20 player party size
+20 Demense size
+1 prisoner tower reelation
+1 guild demense
-20% income from towns
-20% nobles limit
-1 nobles happines/weeek
#COST introduce
2000 denars
10 nobles happines
20 popularity in towns
############# 5 ############
#5 Salt Mining
+1 prosperity in towns\week
+1 popularity in towns\week
-10% income from towns\week
#COST introduce
1000 denars
############# 6 ############
#6 Mercantilism
+1 popularity in towns/week
+1 prosperity in towns/week
+1 guild relation
+1 guild income
-20% income in towns/week
#COST introduce
1000 denars
3000 denars
################ 7 #########
#7 Draft
+15 player party size
+15 lords party size
+1 prisoner tower relation
+1 barracks demense
-1 popularity in towns\week
-20% population growth in towns
-5 popularity in towns
3000 denars
############# 8 ############
#8 Low Town Taxes
-20% income from towns
+1 popularity
+1 prosperity
+1 university relation
#COST introduce
1000 denars
-5 relation in towns
############# 9 ############
#9 High Town Taxes
+20% income from towns
-1 popularity
-1 prosperity
+10 guild income
#COST introduce
-5 prosperity
2000 denars
# ##############
temple privileges - general notes: they won't increase local faith because it would make faith buildings useless. Global faith will be somewhat les important now with holy warriors and noble's cap.
# ##############
############# 1 ############
#1 to the temple to inherit all material goods of the priest
-10% income from villages and towns
+20% holy warriors cap
+5 global faith/week
+1 Clergy happines
+5 monastery income
#COST introduce
10 clergy happines
############## 2 ###########
#2 to tithe from villages
-10% income from villages - quite obvious
+5% income from monastery
-1 popularity in villages/week - and quite annoying
+10% holy warrior's limit - holy or not he must have some money
+5 global faith
SHRINE local+1 global+2 relation+1
+1 local village faith
+1 clergy happines
#COST introduce
-5 relation in villages
10 clergy happines
############### 3 ##########
#3 to tithe from towns
-10% income from towns - quite obvious
+5% income from temple
-1 popularity in town's/week - and quite annoying
+10% holy warrior's limit - holy or not he must have some money
TEMPLE local+2 global+3 rep+1
+1 local town faith
+5 global faith
+1 clergy happines
#COST introduce
-5 relation in towns
10 clergy happines
############# 4 ############
#4 judical immunity
+1 happines of clergy
+10% holy warrior limit - being holy is easier when noone can prove opposite
+2 chapel holy limit
-1 happines of nobles
-5 renown/week
#COST introduce
20 renown
10 clergy happines
############# 5 ############
#5 Temple authority over King
+30% Holy Limit
+1 Clergy happines/week
+20 global faith
+1 local faith villages and towns
-10 renown/week
-10% noble limit
#COST introduce
40 renown
-20 Clergy happines
# ############ 6 ############
#6 His Holliness The King
EXCLUDES Temple Authority over King
+20 renown/week
+30% Holy Limit
+20% Noble Limit
-3 Clergy Happiness
-1 local faith town and village
-20 global faith
#COST introduce
-20 clergy happines
40 renown
# ############ 7 ############
#7 Inquisition
+2 local faith/week
+20 global faith/week
+20% Holy limit
+1 clergy happines
-2 popularity in towns&villages/week
#COST introduce
-5 popularity in towns/villages
20 clergy happines
100 global faith
# ############ 8 ############
#8 Holy War
REQUIRES: Theocracy
+40% holy limit
+20% noble limit
+20 renown/week
+30 global faith
+1 clergy happines
not implemented Constant war (simple trigger will declare war if player manages to get peace)
#COST introduce
War with everyone
-30 clergy happines
# ############ 9 ############
#9 Theocracy
REQUIRES Temple Authority over King or His Hollines The King
+50% Holy limit
+20% Noble limit
+10% income from monasteries
+2 Clergy happines/week
-20% income from villages and towns
#COST introduce
5000 denars
-30 clergy happines
# ##############
noble's privileges - general notes: scoutage is paid by lords from their income and for the simplicity it's considered to be paid also by other nobles that way. Noble's (not lord's) limit will depend on renown, size of a kingdom and number of knight chapters.
# ##############
# ############ 1 ############
#1 serfdom
EXCLUDES: Affrenchisment
+50% nobles limit - it's good to be noble
-2 prosperity in villages/week - but it sucks to be a peasant
-30% income from villages - is really sucks
-30% population growth in villages - it sucks so bad that it sucks itself in
-3 popularity in villages/week - and you must be a sick bastard to allow something like that
#COST introduce
-10 relation in villages
30 nobles happines
# ############# 2 ###########
#2 king's obligation to pay ransom for captured noble
+10% noble's limit - you care for nobles
-8% scoutage - but it costs you
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############ 3 ############
#3 king has to pay nobles for military campaigns
+10% nobles limit - more nobles wants to fight
-8% scoutage income - because they are leeching your hard earned money
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############# 4 ###########
#4 nobles can remove village elders from office
+10% noble's limit - yet another reason to be noble
-1 popularity in villages/week - and yet another reason not to be peasant
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############# 5 ###########
#5 lords can set goods prices in their lands
+8% scoutage - take bribe here, take bribe there, lord's income increase
+10% noble's limit - for no reason
-1 prosperity in towns/week - stiff prices hurt economy
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############ 6 ############
#6 Ceremonial
+20% noble limit
-10% income from villages and towns
+1 noble happines
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############ 7 ############
#7 Senate
EXCLUDES Absolute Monarchy
+30% noble limit
scoutage equals 0
-20 renown/week
#COST introduce
20 renown
20 noble happines
# ############ 8 ############
# Absolute Monarcy
EXCLUDES Elective Monarchy
-2 Noble happines
+20 renown/week
+20 party size
-20 lord party size
+20% scoutage
-30% noble limit
#COST introduce
20 noble happines
40 renown
# ############ 9 ############
# Elective Monarchy
EXCLUDES Absolute Monarchy
+2 Noble happines
+20% Noble limit
-20 party size
+20 lord's party size
-20 renown/week
#COST introduce
-30 renown
20 nobles happines
Cost for dismissing/introducing law is paid once
Sometimes I write "Reputation" it means relation of course.
Some laws boost some buildings to create synergies.
COST INTRODUCE/COST DISMISS is always just one time effect while other effects are weekly.
# ##############
villages's privileges
# ##############
########### 1 ##############
#1 Privilege to Hold Village Fairs
+10% income in villages/week - trade is generating income
+1 prosperity in villages/week- income is generating prosperity
+1 popularity in villages/week - and it's nice event, makes people happy
+1 Mill prosperity
-10% income from towns - but the towns were centers of trade and now they are not
-1 popularity in towns/week - and town's merchants are pissed off
#COST introduce
-5 popularity in towns
-5 popularity in villages
########### 2 ##############
#2 Privilege to Hunt in King's Woods
+20% population growth - it helps survive hard times
+1 popularity in villages/week - and it's nice of you
-10% nobles limit - less animals for them to hunt
-1 nobles happines/week
#COST introduce
-10 nobles happines
-5 popularity in villages
############# 3 ############
#3 Privilege to Chop Wood in King's Woods
+1 prosperity in villages/week - building materials are easier to get
+1 manor demense
-10% income from villages - but that's your wood and they no longer buy it from you
#COST introduce
1000 denars
############# 4 ############
#4 Privilege to Brew Ale
-1 prosperity in villages/week - they are drinking more
+2 popularity in villages/week - but that's cool
+1 Inn reputation
#COST introduce
1000 denars
-5 popularity in villages
############### 5 ##########
#5 Right to Trial by a Jury of Their Equals
-10% income in villages/week - from fees etc.
+1 popularity in villages/week - you are no longer blamed for injustice
+1 manor renown
#COST introduce
1000 denars
-5 popularity in villages
################ 6 #########
#6 Affranchisement of Peasants
+2 prosperity in villages/week - but peasants are now working on their own land
+80% income from villages - pay all taxes directly to you
+40% pupulation growth in villages - can affort mor children
+5 popularity in villages/week - and you are true King of the Peasant's
+20 player party size
+1 watchtower demense
-50% nobles limit - WHAT! noble's rightfull land now belongs to peasants?
-10 renown/week - that's just disgrace
-3 noble happines/week
#COST introduce
-20 noble happines
-30 popularity in villages
################ 7 #########
#7 High Capitation Tax for Peasants
EXCLUDES: Low Capitation Tax
+20% income from villages
+10% mill income
-1 prosperity in villages
-1 popularity in villages
-5 popularity in villages
2000 denars
################ 8 #########
#8 Low Capitation Tax for Peasants
EXCLUDES: High Capitation Tax
-20% income from villages
+1 inn reputation
+1 prosperity in villages
+1 popularity in villages
1000 denars
-5 popularity in villages
################ 9 #########
#9 Peasant's Representation in Parliament
+1 popularity in villages
+20% population in villages
+10 player party size
+10 lords party size
+1 messangerpost demense
-10% nobles limit
-1 nobles happines/week
-5 renown/week
-10 nobles happines
-10 popularity in villages
# ##############
townspeople's privileges
# ##############
################ 1 #########
#1 To Mint own Coin
-15% income from towns - making money is quite profitable
+1 prosperity in towns/week - same reason as above
+5 demense
+1 guild prosperity
#COST introduce
1000 denars
2000 denars
############### 2 ##########
#2 To Collect Tools
+10% income from towns - rich bastards become even richer
+1 prosperity in towns/week - and more prosperous
+10 guild income
-10% income from villages - but it's less profitable to trade and producers suffer
-1 prosperity in villages/week - and when they suffer prosperity also suffers
#COST introduce
-5 popularity in villages
-5 popularity in towns
############## 3 ###########
#3 To Buy and Hold Offices
+10% income from towns - you can sell offices to commoners
+1 popularity in towns/week - you are happy and they are happy, everyone is happy
+1 universit relation
-10% noble's limit - except nobles who now don't have sole right to hold offices
#COST introduce
-10 nobles happines
-5 popularity in towns
############# 4 ############
#4 Free Cities
+2 prosperity in towns/week
+2 popularity in towns/week
+20% population growth
+20 player party size
+20 Demense size
+1 prisoner tower reelation
+1 guild demense
-20% income from towns
-20% nobles limit
-1 nobles happines/weeek
#COST introduce
2000 denars
10 nobles happines
20 popularity in towns
############# 5 ############
#5 Salt Mining
+1 prosperity in towns\week
+1 popularity in towns\week
-10% income from towns\week
#COST introduce
1000 denars
############# 6 ############
#6 Mercantilism
+1 popularity in towns/week
+1 prosperity in towns/week
+1 guild relation
+1 guild income
-20% income in towns/week
#COST introduce
1000 denars
3000 denars
################ 7 #########
#7 Draft
+15 player party size
+15 lords party size
+1 prisoner tower relation
+1 barracks demense
-1 popularity in towns\week
-20% population growth in towns
-5 popularity in towns
3000 denars
############# 8 ############
#8 Low Town Taxes
-20% income from towns
+1 popularity
+1 prosperity
+1 university relation
#COST introduce
1000 denars
-5 relation in towns
############# 9 ############
#9 High Town Taxes
+20% income from towns
-1 popularity
-1 prosperity
+10 guild income
#COST introduce
-5 prosperity
2000 denars
# ##############
temple privileges - general notes: they won't increase local faith because it would make faith buildings useless. Global faith will be somewhat les important now with holy warriors and noble's cap.
# ##############
############# 1 ############
#1 to the temple to inherit all material goods of the priest
-10% income from villages and towns
+20% holy warriors cap
+5 global faith/week
+1 Clergy happines
+5 monastery income
#COST introduce
10 clergy happines
############## 2 ###########
#2 to tithe from villages
-10% income from villages - quite obvious
+5% income from monastery
-1 popularity in villages/week - and quite annoying
+10% holy warrior's limit - holy or not he must have some money
+5 global faith
SHRINE local+1 global+2 relation+1
+1 local village faith
+1 clergy happines
#COST introduce
-5 relation in villages
10 clergy happines
############### 3 ##########
#3 to tithe from towns
-10% income from towns - quite obvious
+5% income from temple
-1 popularity in town's/week - and quite annoying
+10% holy warrior's limit - holy or not he must have some money
TEMPLE local+2 global+3 rep+1
+1 local town faith
+5 global faith
+1 clergy happines
#COST introduce
-5 relation in towns
10 clergy happines
############# 4 ############
#4 judical immunity
+1 happines of clergy
+10% holy warrior limit - being holy is easier when noone can prove opposite
+2 chapel holy limit
-1 happines of nobles
-5 renown/week
#COST introduce
20 renown
10 clergy happines
############# 5 ############
#5 Temple authority over King
+30% Holy Limit
+1 Clergy happines/week
+20 global faith
+1 local faith villages and towns
-10 renown/week
-10% noble limit
#COST introduce
40 renown
-20 Clergy happines
# ############ 6 ############
#6 His Holliness The King
EXCLUDES Temple Authority over King
+20 renown/week
+30% Holy Limit
+20% Noble Limit
-3 Clergy Happiness
-1 local faith town and village
-20 global faith
#COST introduce
-20 clergy happines
40 renown
# ############ 7 ############
#7 Inquisition
+2 local faith/week
+20 global faith/week
+20% Holy limit
+1 clergy happines
-2 popularity in towns&villages/week
#COST introduce
-5 popularity in towns/villages
20 clergy happines
100 global faith
# ############ 8 ############
#8 Holy War
REQUIRES: Theocracy
+40% holy limit
+20% noble limit
+20 renown/week
+30 global faith
+1 clergy happines
not implemented Constant war (simple trigger will declare war if player manages to get peace)
#COST introduce
War with everyone
-30 clergy happines
# ############ 9 ############
#9 Theocracy
REQUIRES Temple Authority over King or His Hollines The King
+50% Holy limit
+20% Noble limit
+10% income from monasteries
+2 Clergy happines/week
-20% income from villages and towns
#COST introduce
5000 denars
-30 clergy happines
# ##############
noble's privileges - general notes: scoutage is paid by lords from their income and for the simplicity it's considered to be paid also by other nobles that way. Noble's (not lord's) limit will depend on renown, size of a kingdom and number of knight chapters.
# ##############
# ############ 1 ############
#1 serfdom
EXCLUDES: Affrenchisment
+50% nobles limit - it's good to be noble
-2 prosperity in villages/week - but it sucks to be a peasant
-30% income from villages - is really sucks
-30% population growth in villages - it sucks so bad that it sucks itself in
-3 popularity in villages/week - and you must be a sick bastard to allow something like that
#COST introduce
-10 relation in villages
30 nobles happines
# ############# 2 ###########
#2 king's obligation to pay ransom for captured noble
+10% noble's limit - you care for nobles
-8% scoutage - but it costs you
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############ 3 ############
#3 king has to pay nobles for military campaigns
+10% nobles limit - more nobles wants to fight
-8% scoutage income - because they are leeching your hard earned money
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############# 4 ###########
#4 nobles can remove village elders from office
+10% noble's limit - yet another reason to be noble
-1 popularity in villages/week - and yet another reason not to be peasant
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############# 5 ###########
#5 lords can set goods prices in their lands
+8% scoutage - take bribe here, take bribe there, lord's income increase
+10% noble's limit - for no reason
-1 prosperity in towns/week - stiff prices hurt economy
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############ 6 ############
#6 Ceremonial
+20% noble limit
-10% income from villages and towns
+1 noble happines
#COST introduce
10 nobles happines
# ############ 7 ############
#7 Senate
EXCLUDES Absolute Monarchy
+30% noble limit
scoutage equals 0
-20 renown/week
#COST introduce
20 renown
20 noble happines
# ############ 8 ############
# Absolute Monarcy
EXCLUDES Elective Monarchy
-2 Noble happines
+20 renown/week
+20 party size
-20 lord party size
+20% scoutage
-30% noble limit
#COST introduce
20 noble happines
40 renown
# ############ 9 ############
# Elective Monarchy
EXCLUDES Absolute Monarchy
+2 Noble happines
+20% Noble limit
-20 party size
+20 lord's party size
-20 renown/week
#COST introduce
-30 renown
20 nobles happines