(v0.704) Crashing save after changing difficulty level

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I figured I could up the difficulty level a bit after some tournament fights going better, so I pressed ESC, went into options, and set the damage to full and opponent AI to average. After that I did quit and save. When I now try to reload the save, I get every time:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Games\Mount&Blade\mount&blade.exe
File: \Armagan\Creatures\rgl\rglString.cpp
Line: 270

Expression: (cursor + len) <= str_length

Bye bye save game :sad:
I get the exact same error message, but I haven't changed difficulty in game. I first had some problems with merchants, who disappeared from some towns. And the next time I exited the game and tried to start it again and reloading my saved game... then I started getting this error message. So now I can't load my game and I had played quite many days allready :sad:
Welcome to the forums, Pande72. :smile:

I'm sorry to hear that you are getting the same error message that Bluebird is getting. :sad:

Until a fix is found, can I suggest starting a new character and maybe using the in-game cheats to get your new character back to the state your previous character was in?

The cheat thread can be found here.

Hope to see you around,

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