(v0.632) Releasing prisoners

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Sometimes after a battle when I try to release some prisoners to make room for another kind of prisoners, the game just quits. I've realised that this happenes when the prisoner rooster on the left hand side is full. I guess when this rooster is full you can't release prisoners of another kind, but rather than getting an error message saying this I'm simply thrown out of the game.

That should be roster. :wink:

BTW, this was my first bug report. Do you think I should start a new thread about this apparent bug I get when I try to buy off bandits?
If you are going to post bugs, you should always do a search to see if what you are posting has been mentioned before. In fact, that applies to almost all new topics, not just bug reports. Anyways, I do believe the prisoner crash has been noted and the bandit thing is definitely fixed.

So is the Mount Horse command Ingolifs...
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