v0.623 Unable to recruit?

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OK, as far as I can tell, this is a bug. I have a max party size of 13 and have had 7 fatalities...I had 13 people. Unfortunately, I can no longer recruit anyone. Why is this? Bug or am I doing something wrong?
Do you have enough slots for you troops? Not only do you have to have less than the maximum total, but you also have to have free slots. Every 2 levels of leadership give you an extra slot.
No, "Slots" are the blocks where the name of the Unit appears.
If you have no free Slots, you can't hire troops of a kind that you do not already have (even if you are below your limit) - for example, if you have 4 slots and Marnid and Borcha with you, you could have only one unit type... I guess you have Watchmen, and you can only recruit townsmen&co atm?
Aaaah...no, actually, I have Watchmen, a Man at Arms, and a couple of others. Sorry then, my mistake.
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