Option that vastly reduce wandering fatigue loss, and increase camping gains. It will not change other fatigue gains or losses. This option is added and dowloadable here:
- Added possibility to store gold in custom settlements banks (with low interest rate)
- Added schools provide general knowledge points.
- There is an issue with book sellers, I don't think anybody will find any map, so I added book sellers that does the same things as horse, merchant, armor, weapon sellers. It might lead to some unbalance in book management tho..
- Changed village available supplies, so there is much much less than there was before. Villages won't produce as much as towns during fairs now.
- Redoing the skills and guild system, that should make much much easier to add both. I am also considering re-writing my craft system and recipe system.
- Camping and wandering bug identified. No more critical failures so often. Campers and wanderers rejoice ^^.
- Added skinning and butchering knowledge. Increase skinning and butchering skills, + gives a little denar every 24 hours.
- Added skinning and butchering skills. They will increase what you gain from hunt and slaughtering caows.
- Added random treasure hunt feature basics. Need to add a few switch/on into the game. Shaman omens, defeating bandits, buying the treasure map, recover from dying man event for examples. And need to add some more randomness about the hunt. But I like the basics.
- Added recover treasure map from dying man and looting bandit lairs and looters.
- Added Necronomicon book (long to read, available from dying man only. Very hard to come by). It will start the necromancy forbidden knowledge.
- Added treasure hunting skill and knowledge. It will improve the chance to successfully hunt treasure.
- Revamped settlement system. Clearer, easier to use, less micromanagement, but still decisions to make.
- Added battlegrounds. At every battle spot, a battleground appears, that stocks the number of deads occured during the battle.
- Training grounds give free XP if the player party rests in a settlement that has some.
- Player will start with some global knowledge points already, so that he can buy knowledges form the start. Of course, the best at this is the "student" background
- Added possibility to store gold in custom settlements banks (with low interest rate)
- Added schools provide general knowledge points.
- There is an issue with book sellers, I don't think anybody will find any map, so I added book sellers that does the same things as horse, merchant, armor, weapon sellers. It might lead to some unbalance in book management tho..
- Changed village available supplies, so there is much much less than there was before. Villages won't produce as much as towns during fairs now.
- Redoing the skills and guild system, that should make much much easier to add both. I am also considering re-writing my craft system and recipe system.
- Camping and wandering bug identified. No more critical failures so often. Campers and wanderers rejoice ^^.
- Added skinning and butchering knowledge. Increase skinning and butchering skills, + gives a little denar every 24 hours.
- Added skinning and butchering skills. They will increase what you gain from hunt and slaughtering caows.
- Added random treasure hunt feature basics. Need to add a few switch/on into the game. Shaman omens, defeating bandits, buying the treasure map, recover from dying man event for examples. And need to add some more randomness about the hunt. But I like the basics.
- Added recover treasure map from dying man and looting bandit lairs and looters.
- Added treasure hunting skill and knowledge. It will improve the chance to successfully hunt treasure.
- Revamped settlement system. Clearer, easier to use, less micromanagement, but still decisions to make.
- Training grounds give free XP if the player party rests in a settlement that has some.
- Player will start with some global knowledge points already, so that he can buy knowledges form the start. Of course, the best at this is the "student" background