V .710 Zendar merchant bug/crash

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just tried to talk w/ zendar merchant about quests and it crashed to desktop just like it does everytime I quit the game.

seems like v .704 was MUCH more stable wish i hadn't delted my char. after I upgraded.

and I don't know how to do the "take this to bandit sp" quests because I dont know where those are but there is another thread about that.

I love the game! It's the best I've played! but I wish it was more stable right now arrrg. :mad:

thanks for any help I keep checking the other threads. :mad: My first post here and thank you guys this game is great.
Welcome to the forums, Nauggins. :smile:

I would like to apologize for the stability issues, yet each major version change there are bound to be some.

Armagan is awesome at getting things stable and virtually bug free quickly ... so no worries. :grin:

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