tip 1: while you still poor, the best return (% wise) for your money invested are the "cheap" items: log fish from wercheg to suno; salt from the mines to zendar; meat from rivacheg to veluga.
tip 2: once you have more money, inventory slots become a constraint. the best return per inventory slot (trip) is provided by: furs (Khendar --> Suno; short stock replenishing time); spice (Tulga --> Praven; long replenishing time); iron (Curaw --> Sargoth; short replenishing time) and oil (Suno --> Rivacheg; short replenishing time); velvet is good too, but the stock @ the merchant replenishes like once in a hundred days (i'm exaggerating). my favorite poor traders' route: praven (pick up beer for khendar) --> khudan (sell beer, pick up furs for suno) --> suno (sell furs, pick up oil for rivacheg) --> rivacheg (sell oil).
tip 3: a few lame sumpter horses (the cheapest available) in your inventory speed up your loaded caravan considerably.
tip 4: get Marnid asap: he is worth the investment. the return on your money invested improves a lot with his trade ability.
tip 5: use jousting lance to rake up some slaves (river pirates near zendar will do: you might have problems with other enemies in the early game anyways); once you have slaves: visit the merchant in Zendar and pick up a merchant caravan quest (your party needs to be of a certain size for him to hand out these quests and prisoners count towards party size limit; not sure this is not an exploit/programming oversight though); sell the slaves; do the quest...
note that merchant caravans in the early game are strong: so most groups will run from it and you will have no problem leading it with player + marnind + borcha combo (no upkeep except food).
tip 6: if the merchant you are supplying to runs out of money: visit the smithies... they give the same prices as the merchant in that particular town.
Get rich!
tip 2: once you have more money, inventory slots become a constraint. the best return per inventory slot (trip) is provided by: furs (Khendar --> Suno; short stock replenishing time); spice (Tulga --> Praven; long replenishing time); iron (Curaw --> Sargoth; short replenishing time) and oil (Suno --> Rivacheg; short replenishing time); velvet is good too, but the stock @ the merchant replenishes like once in a hundred days (i'm exaggerating). my favorite poor traders' route: praven (pick up beer for khendar) --> khudan (sell beer, pick up furs for suno) --> suno (sell furs, pick up oil for rivacheg) --> rivacheg (sell oil).
tip 3: a few lame sumpter horses (the cheapest available) in your inventory speed up your loaded caravan considerably.
tip 4: get Marnid asap: he is worth the investment. the return on your money invested improves a lot with his trade ability.
tip 5: use jousting lance to rake up some slaves (river pirates near zendar will do: you might have problems with other enemies in the early game anyways); once you have slaves: visit the merchant in Zendar and pick up a merchant caravan quest (your party needs to be of a certain size for him to hand out these quests and prisoners count towards party size limit; not sure this is not an exploit/programming oversight though); sell the slaves; do the quest...
note that merchant caravans in the early game are strong: so most groups will run from it and you will have no problem leading it with player + marnind + borcha combo (no upkeep except food).
tip 6: if the merchant you are supplying to runs out of money: visit the smithies... they give the same prices as the merchant in that particular town.
Get rich!