v.632 Flying Foes?

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Sergeant at Arms
I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but I've noticed several times now, when my troops (all mounted) gang up on a single footman near a tall hill, he will occassionally take flight, either up the hill or down, though what goes down always goes back up again. Once he is up the hill some unseen force (Force?) lifts the guy up then drops him, knocking him unconscious. Though it doesn't affect the game in any noticable way, it is quite bizarre, though very enjoyable to watch. I am wondering if one of my sword sisters is Force-sensitive :smile:
I noticed something similar yesterday, when a bandit escaped my Vaegir horde by flying to the hill, on a straight line over the place my PC was standing.
I'm just afraid they're gonna bust out with lightsabers or something...I'd be in deep if that happened :lol:
Hm, Stormtroopers kicked Jedis, Ewoks kicked Stormtroopers. Ergo: Ewoks kick Jedis. So, your men with their primitive gear should have nothing to fear.
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