(v 0.632) Options aren't saved

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For some reason, my options aren't kept from game to game. This includes sound settings, inverted mouse, and video options.
I've noticed this too. Since this is my first time playing, I reduced the battle size option and one of the the other difficulty settings. Sometimes it saves, sometimes it doesn't. I haven't pinpointed when, or why, it doesn't. I'm looking for a pattern. I'm thinking it has something to do with the "Save" and "Save and Exit" option. Like there is some kind of difference when it saves or something. I just can't prove it.


Ok Armagan I think I narrowed in on the problem a little.

It appears that my "Save" and "Save and Exit" idea wasn't right.

It seems that all Restored games revert back to the "Options" that are in the "Main Menu", before you select "Start New" or "Restore Saved". It's like those option override the ones in the actual saved game. There seems to be some weird combining of Options, between the Main Menu Settings and the Player Saved Game Settings.

Are the Options even in the actual saved game file?

I'm going to try and investigate further.


Ok I did an extensive Option/Save Game test. I could post the results if you like Armagan.

General Results and Observations

1st) It looks like Main Menu Options are reset each time the game is closed then restarted from the Windows Desktop.

2nd) The Main Menu Options override the Savegame Settings.

3rd) There is something strange going on with the "Difficulty Rating" too. Seems that the percentage is different between the Main Menu Options and the percentage shown after you "Restore a Game" and check the "Options" from the character. It looks like the percentage on the Character Options menu is 1/2 that of the one in the Main Menu Options. Not exactly sure why, but it is happening.

Like I said, I could list my "Test" results here if you like. Just let me know. It will take me a little time to type them up, something like 33 Steps in my Test.
Hi Greg,

Game options are overwritten everytime the game is patched/reinstalled.

Difficulty Rating is reduced by %50 if you have quitting without saving enabled.
Actually, he's stating that from closing the game, and starting again in the same version, options are lost.

I have the same issue. Video options reset, battle slider resets, mouse sensitivity resets...

The only thing that seems to stick is the keyboard control settings.
I also am having this problem. I have to change mouse sensitivity, and video options EVERY TIME I load the game.

Wanderer said:
Actually, he's stating that from closing the game, and starting again in the same version, options are lost.

I have the same issue. Video options reset, battle slider resets, mouse sensitivity resets...

The only thing that seems to stick is the keyboard control settings.


Exactly. The options in the savegame just aren't sticking. They are being over-ridden by the Main Menu Options. Since the Main Menu options don't seem to "stick" after you restart the game they always over-ride the savegame settings with the default Options Settings.

Since the Main Menu Options are currently doing this, the workaround is to set the Options from the Main Menu before Restoring a Game. They will then carry over. I have to do this everytime I start the game.

Still don't completely understand what is going on with the mismatched Difficulty Ratings. You would think that since the Main Menu Options are over-riding the Savegame Options, they would be identical.

For now I'll just use my work-around.

Hi Greg,

I couldn't really understand the problem. There is no such thing as savegame options. Options are maintained in options.dat file. The game saves options on exit and loads them on startup.
armagan said:
Hi Greg,

I couldn't really understand the problem. There is no such thing as savegame options. Options are maintained in options.dat file. The game saves options on exit and loads them on startup.

Ok...so here is an example

You create a new character. Once you are in Zendar you hit the Escape Key and select the Options Menu. You then set your difficulty settings, mouse sensativity, video settings, etc. Now you save the game and exit out of M&B back to Windows Desktop. Now you come back later and restart M&B and Restore your newly created character, the settings revert back to what they were before you changed them which leads me to the next paragraph.

Ok now say you do this. Start M&B and change the Options from the Main Menu, before you load or start a character, then ExitClose M&B. Now restart the game from Windows and check the settings They will revert back to what they were before you changed them.

So basically the "saved game" Options don't save. Nor do the Settings off the Main Menu. So you must change the settings to what you want, from the Main Menu, every time you start M&B.

Did that help?

I installed M&B on my D: drive. Would that make a difference? Anyone else having this problem do that too? I can't see how this wouldn't be effecting everyone and not just a select few.
I am experiencing the same prob greg just discribed. I spefically changed my settings, ei mouse sensetivity, and vid options, saved my game and exited. I restarted the game and all of the options were reset.

Ver .632
I can join the club... the music, which is the only thing I changed besides keys (they are retained though) lawyas go up to that 2/3rds point on reload.
I'm getting this bug too. Every time I start the game it is set at 1/2 damage and Average AI, when I want it to stay on Normal damage and Good AI. No combination of saving changes this behavior, It's always reset to 1/2 damage every time I start the game.
That's strange. There's a file named options.dat in the root folder of M&B which contains the options. You can actually delete this file and the options will be set to default in the game.

For some reason options.dat file may have become read-only. (That's the only thing that comes to my mind) Perpaps deleting it manually will solve the problem.
armagan said:
That's strange. There's a file named options.dat in the root folder of M&B which contains the options. You can actually delete this file and the options will be set to default in the game.

For some reason options.dat file may have become read-only. (That's the only thing that comes to my mind) Perpaps deleting it manually will solve the problem.

I checked the files permissions when you first mentioned the file. It isn't read only. I will try to delete it and see if that fixes it.

It shouldn't matter which hard drive partition I install M&B on, right?


Ok, I deleted the Options.dat file. It didn't rebuild the Options.dat file. I went to the main M&B folder (D:razz:rogram FilesMount&Blade) and the file is NOT listed. Also the "default" settings changed to this... (Which are different than before)



I changed some settings and closed the game. When I restarted the game from my Desktop the settings went back to the same as in that screen shot. Even after editting some settings, the Options.dat file was not created.


Ok, so I decided to uninstall and reinstall M&B in the same folder (D:razz:rogram FilesMount&Blade). Still the same issue. Then I uninstalled it again and reinstalled on my System Partition (C:razz:rogram FilesMount&Blade) with the exact same results. Options just do not save when I close the game down completely.
armagan said:
A question: Did you make any changes to controls, and are those saved successfully?

Having the same issue, I can respond. Keyboard controls changes saved, ie: I changed my change weapon to E instead of []. These stay.

The screen that you go to controls through don't.
armagan said:
A question: Did you make any changes to controls, and are those saved successfully?

As the Wanderer said, yes the Controls save but nothing else does. That includes Video, Sound, and Difficulty Settings.

Here is a question for you Armagan: Is this problem not happening for you? Don't you believe us? :grin:

Ok, so that was two questions.
Greg: Of course I believe you :lol: . But I need to get more info in order to form a hypothesis as to what may be happening. The game surely saves the options on my setup.
armagan said:
Greg: Of course I believe you :lol: . But I need to get more info in order to form a hypothesis as to what may be happening. The game surely saves the options on my setup.

Hmm.... well I can give you my system specs and setup. Not sure if that will help. Maybe some of the others having these problems should too, and see what silmilarities we have.

P4 2.39 GHz
512 MB DDR
SiS Chipset
Geforce4 Go (64MB Devoted RAM)
15.1 XGA LCD Display
SiS 7012 Audio Driver
SiS 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
Linksys WP11 - 802.11b (ver.3) Wireless Network Adapter
DVD/CD-RW (Currently not working, been meaning to replace it)

OS: Windows XP Professional - SP2, all critical updates, and Media Player 10

DirectX 9.0c

HDD Partitioning
C: 11 GB (NTFS) (System Partition)
D: 43 GB (NTFS) (Data and Programs)
E: 2 GB (NTFS) (Swap Partition)
F: 2 GB (FAT32) (OS install files and Drivers)

H: JumpDrive (USB)

I also have Virtual CD installed since my CD-ROM drive isn't working currently.

X:, Y:, Z: are my three Virtual CD Drives

Fully Registered Mount and Blade.

I'll try to check back soon. I just moved and haven't had the Internet hooked up yet. Hope you can figure this one out. Once I get my main PC back up I'm going to see if it does it on that one too.
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