v 0.11 merchant quests: a feature or a bug?

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it seems that if you have taken on one merchant quest (and not completed it) all the other merchants refuse to give you additional quests. in the earlier versions it was possible to have up to four different merchant quests going on at the same time (caravan, girl, delivery, troublesome bandits): does not seem to be possible in v .11 (it was the same in v .10).
I've noticed and mentioned before that the merchant tends to give the "escort caravan" quest as the first quest. If you refuse and go to another merchant (I've gone to as many as 5 others), they all want to give you an escort caravan quest. I have never seen it where they refuse to give you another one after you accepted the quest. I've had the kidnapped girl quest going for a couple days and I still have gotten other quests.
It seems, in v .11 escort caravan quests are all you can get until level 10. After that point - all other merchant quests become available.
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