Download Link (05.11.2024)
It requires installing AutoHotkey (which is only a 20mb installation and has existed since 2003, so it's safe).
Then you just open warband Edit Mode as normal, double-click the file I uploaded above, and enjoy enhanced scening. You can end the script by right clicking the H icon on the taskbar.
Additional hotkeys
This script adds additional hotkeys to the Warband scene editor. For example you can press Spacebar to activate the "Extrude" command when AI-meshing, or Tab key to re-add the currently-selected object.
Faster prop/mesh dragging
When G is held to move objects/ai-mesh their movement rate is accelerated. Visually and practically it's much less frustrating to use than native. Use M to toggle it, and it's disabled when Ctrl held. There's a ON/OFF indicator next to the Selected Object label.
Previously Placed Props window
The script keeps a list of props used in the session so far easy re-selection. Clicking one of the entries automatically selects it in the normal way. The window can be moved around the screen, and toggled off/on with P.
It should remember the position, prop history list and toggle setting even if you exit/enter Edit Mode. Theoretically until you close/restart AHK.
Prop Search window
Pressing the F key when in object mode shows a window to search for props/items/plants. The first search of each type in a session should take about 5 seconds (depending on the size if your mod), and after that should be instantaneous. Then you just click the name and it will be selected in the normal prop-select window.
Where possible the script also resizes the Edit Mode window slightly by cutting off the bottom, to allow more viewing space. For example here you can see the selected object label on the bottom left without needing to move the Edit Mode window.
-Fixed object duplication not working when placed objects list disabled.
-Highlight search box automatically when Find Props is activated.
-If transparency is enabled it will be reduced when hovering over the Edit Mode windows.
-Made Edit Mode not take up additional taskbar space.
If you have feedback, suggestions, feature-requests or bug reports please leave a comment below.
It requires installing AutoHotkey (which is only a 20mb installation and has existed since 2003, so it's safe).
Then you just open warband Edit Mode as normal, double-click the file I uploaded above, and enjoy enhanced scening. You can end the script by right clicking the H icon on the taskbar.
Additional hotkeys
This script adds additional hotkeys to the Warband scene editor. For example you can press Spacebar to activate the "Extrude" command when AI-meshing, or Tab key to re-add the currently-selected object.
;--AI meshing--
;--Objects-- (only works on already-placed objects for now)
;--Ground sculpting--
The user can customise the keys by right-clicking the .ahk file and selecting "Edit". Then look for the parts with a letter/key followed by a double colon:
Change the letter here. A ^ symbol means it requires Ctrl to be held.
Spacebar = extrude
F = fill
C = connect
U = subdivide
O = grow selection
Ctrl + O = grow selection to max
L = weld
R = remove
;--Objects-- (only works on already-placed objects for now)
F = Toggle the Find Props window on/off
P = Toggle the Previously Placed Props menu on/off
Tab = Duplicate selected object and set same scale and position (not rotation)
Mousewheel up/down = Increase/decrease the value of selected text box (eg scale or pos)
+ = Scale up object by 0.5
Ctrl + + = Scale up object by 0.1
- = Scale down object by 0.5
Ctrl + - = Scale down object by 0.1
Ctrl + 1 = Scale object to 1.0
Ctrl + 2 = Scale object to 2.0
Ctrl + 3 = Scale object to 3.0
Ctrl + 4 = Scale object to 4.0
Ctrl + 5 = Scale object to 5.0
Ctrl + 6 = Scale object to 6.0
Ctrl + 7 = Scale object to 7.0
Ctrl + 8 = Scale object to 8.0
Ctrl + 9 = Scale object to 9.0
Ctrl + L = Hide placed items list (in very heavy scenes can reduce the lag slightly when placing an object)
Ctrl + C = Copy the currently selected prop's position data
Ctrl + V = Paste the copied position data onto the currently selected prop
;--Ground sculpting--
1 = Select Up
2 = Select Down
3 = Select Smooth
4 = Select Level
M = toggle off mouse acceleration when holding G (on by default)
Ctrl + T = turns the Edit Mode window semi-transparent
The user can customise the keys by right-clicking the .ahk file and selecting "Edit". Then look for the parts with a letter/key followed by a double colon:
Faster prop/mesh dragging
When G is held to move objects/ai-mesh their movement rate is accelerated. Visually and practically it's much less frustrating to use than native. Use M to toggle it, and it's disabled when Ctrl held. There's a ON/OFF indicator next to the Selected Object label.
Previously Placed Props window
The script keeps a list of props used in the session so far easy re-selection. Clicking one of the entries automatically selects it in the normal way. The window can be moved around the screen, and toggled off/on with P.
It should remember the position, prop history list and toggle setting even if you exit/enter Edit Mode. Theoretically until you close/restart AHK.
Prop Search window
Pressing the F key when in object mode shows a window to search for props/items/plants. The first search of each type in a session should take about 5 seconds (depending on the size if your mod), and after that should be instantaneous. Then you just click the name and it will be selected in the normal prop-select window.
Where possible the script also resizes the Edit Mode window slightly by cutting off the bottom, to allow more viewing space. For example here you can see the selected object label on the bottom left without needing to move the Edit Mode window.
-Fixed object duplication not working when placed objects list disabled.
-Highlight search box automatically when Find Props is activated.
-If transparency is enabled it will be reduced when hovering over the Edit Mode windows.
-Made Edit Mode not take up additional taskbar space.
-made Find Props window remember its position
-Previous Props window arranges newest props at the bottom as that's where the cursor goes automatically
-Made the script's Warband/Edit-Mode detection simpler and more reliable
-various other small fixes
added a find-props function with F key
-disabled Enter key to duplicate prop, Tab only now
-other small fixes
-The script keeps a list of props used in the session so far. Clicking one of the entries automatically selects it in the normal way. Can be moved around the screen, and toggled off/on with P.
-Also now you can use Ctrl+c when a placed prop is selected to copy its position data. Then Ctrl+v on another prop to paste the position data onto it.
-When G is held to move objects/ai-mesh the mouse input is accelerated. Use M to toggle it. Disabled when Ctrl held.
--On by default, can be set to off by default in the file
--ON/OFF Indicator is next to the Selected Object label
--Ensured original mouse speed is restored automatically on exit
-Added link to forum thread with controls etc in the Help window.
-made Find Props window remember its position
-Previous Props window arranges newest props at the bottom as that's where the cursor goes automatically
-Made the script's Warband/Edit-Mode detection simpler and more reliable
-various other small fixes
added a find-props function with F key
-disabled Enter key to duplicate prop, Tab only now
-other small fixes
-The script keeps a list of props used in the session so far. Clicking one of the entries automatically selects it in the normal way. Can be moved around the screen, and toggled off/on with P.
-Also now you can use Ctrl+c when a placed prop is selected to copy its position data. Then Ctrl+v on another prop to paste the position data onto it.
-When G is held to move objects/ai-mesh the mouse input is accelerated. Use M to toggle it. Disabled when Ctrl held.
--On by default, can be set to off by default in the file
--ON/OFF Indicator is next to the Selected Object label
--Ensured original mouse speed is restored automatically on exit
-Added link to forum thread with controls etc in the Help window.
If you have feedback, suggestions, feature-requests or bug reports please leave a comment below.
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