Resolved Using siege weapons give the wrong kind of experience

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: I received throwing weapon experience when I used the catapults on the towers in a defender siege mission. I hit units and destroyed a battering ram with the defensive catapults but received throwing weapon experience instead of engineering experience. The same goes for throwing rocks as a defender. I even think that none of the siege weapons, when used in a mission, gives engineering experience at all. I used a battering ram to destroy the outer gate and received no engineering experience.
How to Reproduce: Use ranged siege weapons during a siege and hit enemies or other siege weapons.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Computer Specs: most likely irrelevant.
Hey, as far as i know, the building stage of the siege engine will give experience to the engineering ability but getting kills will improve your throwing if using a catapult, or archery skills if it is a ballista etc. I will ask the issue to the design team and update the thread according to their answers. Thank you for reporting it in and sorry for any inconvenience.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. According to the description of Engineering in "How to learn" to "Build and operate siege engines. Successfully use engines in sieges offensively or defensively". That's why I expected to receive engineering experience when I destroy parts of walls, battering rams or hit enemies, if that helps.
Hey, the situation was not a bug and the mechanics were working as intended but i have been informed that the design phase is not yet complete and there could be changes for this issue in further patches if the design team sees fit. You can follow our patch notes for updates and let us know of your suggestions about the issue on our suggestion section of the forum. Thank you for your time.
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