Using cheats.....

Is cheating bad or good or fun but bad?

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i was playing around with the cheats and when using the non fog of war so you can see anything. you can see spawn points and unfinished places!
Well i guess at the start it is pointless. As the start is mainly good because of the lack of money. But once you are level 20+ and you have done everything i guess it adds a little more to the game.
Well, I think whether cheating is good or bad depends on how you qualify "cheating".

For example, I recently had one of those "stop the raiders before they reach their hideout" quests. I rode out to the town the hideout was supposedly in, but there was no sign of the raiders. I backtracked to the town they supposedly started from, and there was no sign of them there either -- not even a trail. I went back and forth a couple of times, and tried going in ever-increasing circles around the towns, but the raiders were nowhere to be found. Finally, I caved in and switched on truesight in order to find them. Now, even though those raiders had been chased literally halfway across the map, and I'd never have found them except by accident, in this case I really cheated -- I used a game cheat to do bypass one of the game challenges. I'd call this a case where the cheating was bad.

On the other hand, when I created a new character a while ago, I bumped up his experience points and gold to about the level where a character at level 10 would be. I did this because it's something I've already done once, and doing it again from the beginning would be dull. In this case, I don't feel that I cheated -- I just bypassed something I knew I could do easily, and which I would have found kind of dull if I'd done it the hard way. I feel that in this case, I earned the right to use the cheats because achieving the same end without the cheat would have been no challenge at all.

Of course, in a perfect game cheating would never be necessary, because (a) the challenges would always be reasonable, and (b) there wouldn't be any unnecessarily dull bits. But there aren't many perfect games out there, so I'm okay with cheats.
i havent seriously used cheats in my life. just looked what items there were in some games but never played using cheats.
BobG said:
Of course, in a perfect game cheating would never be necessary, because (a) the challenges would always be reasonable, and (b) there wouldn't be any unnecessarily dull bits. But there aren't many perfect games out there, so I'm okay with cheats.

I know one....

I think you can download a 'demo' off of this website
Cheating just ruins the game for me. Especially in an rpg...i mean, the whole idea is you build up your character, and if you cheat to do that it defeats the entire purpose. I introduced a friend to Diablo 2 about a year ago, and he was loving it. He called me one day and told me to join him in a i did. And after watching his necro own everything in a fraction of a second i realized he had given into the temptation to cheat. And a few days later he was bored with the game. And why??? b/c cheating ruined it for him! Now, if the cheat actually improves the game, then its ok. I remember playing FFT for game boy advanced, and for some reason those odd japanese decided to add in some law system. When you go to fight a battle there will be laws in place, like..."no using magic", "no using swords", or "no using specials", entirely at random. So, i decided that it was retarded, got a cheat code and dissabled that annoying system :grin: But then again, i guess i'm not one to talk, since i almost never play counterstrike anymore without some very fun hacks :lol:
i'm with bobG, it depends, although i think the exacatly the other way then him..
the raider quests is sometimes annoying and i think its okay to use cheats to find them.

and i personally like the beginning of the game cos the end game seems a bit dull at the moment.
Im sorry to say but i cheat, often but not money or exp but just i always have truesight on and control click in front of an enemy if its faster than me.
I cheat to the max on this game :wink:

As BobG said, why go through all the trouble of doing something, if you've already done it many times before? Such as creating a new character, why go through the trouble to level it up legit when you can just give him a few levels with ctrl+x?

Since I've gotten a character to level 50 legit, beaten all of the mission types, raised an army of 70 (yes, 70) vaegir knights, and rampaged through Calradia, I feel I don't need to go through all of that again on a new character.

So I used cheats to make another level 50, make his troop limit 70, and get 70 swadian knights, all in about 10 minutes. I then did missions for the counts/king, and got my char. to the highest rank~

But... meh. I still think legos are a revolutionary thing, and that life couldn't exist without them.

Apple pie, too.
It would be cool if one of you computer wizzes could show or tell me how to use or get cheats for this game. :grin: :grin:
ok cheats...on start up go to configure and go to the bottom and change cheat mode = 0 to cheat mode = 1 that will activate in game cheats

now when in character stat screen press ctrl + x to get 1000 xp
in inventory press ctrl + x to get 1000 cash
in party screen select a unit and press ctrl + x and it will level them up and also hold control on world map and press somewhere and you will be transported there and also (whew there's so much lol) press ctrl + t for truesight!!
Such as creating a new character, why go through the trouble to level it up legit when you can just give him a few levels with ctrl+x?
Because the beginning of the game is the funniest part (atleast for me it is).
I really like cheats, really, but I voted fun but bad, because depends the game, in this game I like them; and depends if you are playing in multiplayer.

I like them because a game is not real life, I like to win, to unstress me, that is why. But sometimes, some cheats take of the fun of a game.

In real life, I am totally against cheats.
I get a new game, I learn how to play it, a few days later, I look up the cheats, and cheat like mad, as I am not actualy that good at most games. But anywho, after a couple of months I egt bored of the game, and then in a few months start playing again, without or only a couple cheats. As it is, in this game I will only use the cheats for skipping the 1st ten levels, and getting some nice armour or escaping a tight spot, excpet for one char of mine who is my chaet char.
M&B is actually the only game I'v ever played without using cheats. :/

It doesn't motivate you much if you can kill every person in the game except swadian knights in two slashes -.-.
WipperSnipper said:
BobG said:
Of course, in a perfect game cheating would never be necessary, because (a) the challenges would always be reasonable, and (b) there wouldn't be any unnecessarily dull bits. But there aren't many perfect games out there, so I'm okay with cheats.

I know one....

I think you can download a 'demo' off of this website

But the fact is, there are some dull bits at the beginning. The initial 12 fights with the trainer are repetative and unchallenging once you've mastered the controls and basics of fighting. I'd just as soon be given Lv2 without going through the bother after the first time. The river pirate quest is also repetative once you've mastered killing river pirates, so if you do that second after training, you may as well skip that part as well.

Eventually though, you reach a point where your character starts to become unique. You may have chosen to focus on a different skill set, or you've decided to go with a different war band composition. At that point, then using cheats to advance does become problematic, because you're denying yourself a new challenge.
I usually use cheats after i finished the game once at least and only if its gonna be fun.

Like populous 3. After i finished i used the max mana and all spells to make simple stages fun with earth-shaping spells.

Or if the cheat may help me something i couldnt even if i wanted to try.

Like halflife. I did the no clip and all weapons cheat. I noclip-enter the room he is in, put alot of remotebombs, set lots.. loots of traps on the g-man, then go outside and explode them. Guess what happens? nothing:p

Or maybe the code isnt really a "cheat".

Like warcraft 3:tft. I typed tenthleveltaurenchieftain code several times since it played a nice music track.

Or game may go REAL hard.. so hard that its kinda impossible (like saving the game ona fps accidently just before i die) or i may have a save go corrupt so instead of playing i cheat to that level ive been on previously.

Cheating normally kind of sucks imho. But it changes person to person, so its ok for me. I had even been preparing the cheat page for a game mag so its cool for me anyways:smile:
PrinceScamp said:
I get a new game, I learn how to play it, a few days later, I look up the cheats, and cheat like mad, as I am not actualy that good at most games. ......

Of course, you will not get any better skill wise and continue to do poorly at games if you cheat. :wink:
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