Using autohotkey with mount & blade?

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Grandmaster Knight
I'd like to be able to bind a single button for action requiring multiple actions like:
Having my archers use volley fire (2, f3, f7, f9).
Order my companions and cavalry to charge (3, f1, f3, 4, f1, f3)
Order all my melee troops to charge (1, f1, f3, 3, f1, f3, 4, f1, f3)
Order my civilians to flee (5, f1, f7)

It should be easy but no matter how hard I try autohotkey refuses to work with mount & blade.
I tried all the Send modes without success.
Also tried a script dedicated to spam ctrl + x to verify if I made a syntax error but it also doesn't work.

Does anyone have any idea?

Edit: My bad increasing the sleep delay to 100 resolved everything (I would swear that was the first thing I tried).
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