USB device has exceede the power limits of its HUD port

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My speakers dont turn on and when i disconnect it and reconnect it. a message comes up and says that
"a USB device has exceeded the power limits of its HUD here to fix the problem"
I click and a window pops up and has the location of the device in bold letters

AT bottom of window it says

Recommendation:To reenable the port,disconnect the hardware, then click reset
If you click close the port will no longer function.

i disconnect the hardware and click reset,window closes and thats it.
speakers dont turn on and no sound though

i cant say for sure the first time this happened the window wasnt closed
family and i share comp.

A. how to fix speakers?

B.if port "will no longer function"
How can I fix it?

UR help is much appreciated
Did your speakers also come with an AC adapter? It seems likely that your speakers require an external power source, so when you plug it in to your laptop without also plugging in the adapter, it tries to draw all of the power it needs from your laptop (and fails).
Either a short on the speakers, or else you're overloading the USB hub. Try unplugging everything currently connected by USB except the speakers and see what happens. If it still complains, the speakers are shorting out. If not, start plugging stuff in one at a time till you figure out how much she can take.
alright guys i misread the message
its says a USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power so it is probably the speakers
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