Updating is getting little anoying

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I realized, that if you want to update your current version you always need to download like the full patch, no matter which current version you have on the computer.
that meens, wouldn't it be better for one, specially one with a slow internet connection, just to download the path he need?? for example:
patch for verison 7.10 to 7.11 = 2,3mb
patch for version 7.03 to 7.11 = 7.38 mb
and so on

thanks and bye!
i don't really think so, i got M&B at version .623 from a Pc Power play (games magazine) cover disc, and since i only had dial up and i couldn't buy the full version because i didn't have acess to a credit card i didn't update it until i got broadband a few weeks ago and updated to .711. My point is that mabye you could update less often instead of everyone single patch.
There seem to be some things in each patch, which could be left out, i may be wrong. Because i never was really interested in what size the patch has.

But you have my pity for being on dial up, or what slow connection you may have.
Well if its easier for Armagan to do it this way, he's got his reasons. Im sure he would prefer to spend his time actually adding new stuff / fixing bugs rather than thinking of a way of how to create a patch which try to remove only the nessesary things, update only nessesary things etc.

M&B whole game size is very very small compared to... well every single game out there of similar standart. Games like EQ2 have patches over 1Gb big, most others would be somewhere close to a 100Mb. After all no matter how small, how easy to use, how good anything is, there would always be people who would find faults with it. The difference between the sizes of patches compared with the time spent actually making that difference, is just not worth it in my personal oppinion ::smile:
If the problem is your conection get a friend with a faster conection to download and get a CD-RW so you can burn and re burn it onto the CD to take home.
thats making a small problem to a bigger problem! :eek:
That was only a suggestion...i know many games where you can choose what patch you need to download so its a lot easier for you. why donloading 27 mb if you just can download 3 mb? and in future there will be more than not only 10 patches, but a lot more! i believe that for armagan its not that difficult to change that.
i mean, for me it is not the end of the world if i have to download 27 mb, but i'm thinking of the rest of people that only got a slow internet.
When the game is finished we will all be wishing for more hard-to-download updates.
it cant be that hard to add a 7.10 - 7.11 can it?
or the next version.

it annoys me to have to download 27 megabytes on my 56k that takes couple of hours that could be for a couple of megs added.
I'm not sure how 'little' such an effort is, since currently Armagan has problems with even converting saved games. Also please try to remember that just because a dl is larger in size, that means the files are the same....
If Armagan changes 60% of the files, (re-writes them), how do you expect to download the 3Mb? The files wont re-write themselves if you paste what has been added on. And getting those 60% of the new stuff to work with the previous 40% would result in major bugs, and even more updates to fix those bugs.

For those who have trouble understanding above, think of it as 15Mb have been taken out of the 25Mb file, then destroyed completely, and 18Mb of new data have been injected. The previous 10 and the new 18 don't like each other, so they keep getting into a family argument, and end up in a divorce. Can't think of an easier way to explain it ::\

Its common sense really.. (I would think so at least)

As for the slow dl issue, like someone said this IS a beta, it IS under development, new patch / update = PROGRESS for the game towards being completed. The game IS small compared to every other in the market. And what about when the game goes into final stage? Do we sacrifice game features so that the size is smaller? If I had a 56K I would just leave the download overnight. Only reason I have cable actually, is because its cheaper.. ::\
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