Updates about Rome Empire mod (3 new factors preview)

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I am going to give big updates about my incoming of total conversion mods, known as Rome Empire era mod.

I have replaced these following three factors into these new factors:

Vaegir to Roman pre-marius reform army
Swadan to Greek's hellentic army
Dark riders to Dacian of barbarian tribes

These are following army that are included under each of these factors.

Roman's pre-marius reform army

Foot units:
missile units:
veteran velites
cavalry units:


Greek's Hellentic army

foot army:
militia hoplite
Greek hoplite
armoured hoplite
Spartan hoplite
missile units:
greek archers (might will change to cretan archers)
cavalry units:
Greek cavalry


Dacian army (recruitable at one of city)

Foot army:
Naked fanatics
Naked Fanatics
Chosen swordman

missile unit:
Archer warband
Chosen Archer Warband
cavalry units:
barbarian cavalry
barbarian nobles cavalry
Barbarian Warlord (General's cavalry)

Dacian's hired Mercenaries:
Scythian horse archers Mercenaries


I want everyone's feedback about these units and I'm trying my best to keep these units realism as possible. Roman pre-marius reform of army are completed, thank my friend and Okin who helped me with researches on roman army upgrade system of pre-marius.

Greek's hellentic upgrade system are next on my list to fix. And any of you who have great knowledge and have researched about Greek's hellentic army, please give me feedback on this list of mine. I am going to keep changin them until I feel like they are quite balanced and is completed compared to Roman army.

Eagle out...
Sounds good, but in Rome Total Realism they say that a lot of the names from RTW arent correct, might wanna check that out?
I thought they werent correct because they were just Generic units? Armoured Hopilite etc. isnt exactly very spercific and you cant have 900 different Unit names. :smile:
Instead of Greek cavalry, you can put Tracian cavalry, Tracia was really famous due its horses and horsemen. I still wonder how they could win combats monuted in horses against the massive spear&shield walls formed by hoplites.

But it seem to be true that about Spartan hoplites, Sparta had the most skilled warriors and better equiped. I cant remember now if hypaspist used swords or not... if they used swords you put them in a different upgrade line; you could upgrade them to myrmidons, an elite close combat unit armed with swords (I already now that some data about them is hidden behind legends and literature).
Penguin said:
Ist this the same mod as Lost Legionnare?

Yes it is, and I'm making both pre-marius and post-marius reform of roman mod for lost legonaries. For now, I'm doing everything I can do until official mod tools come out, where we would be able to import new models into this game.

Eagle out...
Eagle, just to clarify, this mod is about the Roman Republic, not the Roman Empire. The first Emperor was crowned hundreds of years after this mod's time frame.

Also, about greeks, here's the Europa Barbarorum info thread on them. That doesn't include all the units they're adding and I suggest you skip the Corinthian hoplites and just use generic units, but it should give you a general idea. Also, same as for the romans, lose the peasant unit. :razz:
EB is the most researched Mod out there. The thing about the romans, their infantry should be way more powerfull than their cavalry since romans were not very mobile. THey used mercenaries to do their mounted duties. The triarii should be the only unit in the roman army without javelins, and the team has to find a way to give hastati and principes just 2 javelins.

Greeks on the other hand should be fast, and well armoured. THey were the most mobile army in the ancient world, as all men would just work out, etc... Well, i can't think of anything else right now... so peace out
illyrian said:
EB is the most researched Mod out there. The thing about the romans, their infantry should be way more powerfull than their cavalry since romans were not very mobile.

Yeah, EB is a mod that has really earned my trust. It'll take a lot to convince me that they're wrong. About the Romans, it's not so much that their infantry was more powerful, but it was extremely flexible and it formed the great bulk of their army. Cavalry had a very small role in Roman warfare but they were far from weak.

illyrian said:
THey used mercenaries to do their mounted duties. The triarii should be the only unit in the roman army without javelins, and the team has to find a way to give hastati and principes just 2 javelins.

They actually did have cavalry of their own, but you're right that they used auxiliaries a lot. As for triarii being the only unit without javelins, don't forget about the equites. :wink: I don't think there's any problem in making pilums for the hastati and principes, I understand that you can easily edit the ammo amount for ranged weapons.

illyrian said:
Greeks on the other hand should be fast, and well armoured. THey were the most mobile army in the ancient world, as all men would just work out, etc... Well, i can't think of anything else right now... so peace out

Remember, fast doesn't go with well armored. Greeks drilled their troops well, of course, but they weren't alone in that. They had quick-moving troops like cavalry and peltasts but the heavily armored hoplites couldn't very well sprint around the battlefield in full panopaly. Mobile? The phalanx was incredibly slow to maneuver and the inflexibility of the Hellenistic army is the main reason why the Romans beat them. :smile:
Rome didnt used to have auxiliars until Maximillian reform, a lot of time after this. Mainly because there wasnt any other nation/empire/kingdom able/willing to give troops to Rome; and also Rome hadnt a reason to accept auxiliars on his army (Rome did that in an attemp to avoid barbarian raids and invasion).
Yeah, I already said that in the other thread, I was speaking in general terms there. Like I said, cavalry wasn't a big part of the Roman army and they had no archers of their own, but in the latter days of the Republic and in the Imperial era they augmented their armies with auxiliaries from the lands they conquered.
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