Updated from 0.701 to 0.704, am I screwed?

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Ok have I totally screwed my savegame? Or could i install 0.701 again if someone has it and then 0.703 then 0.704?

Please tell me I haven't lost all the Swadian Knights!!! :oops:
Well they COULD work in 0.701, but in no way (that I can think of) you can get a 0.701 character work in 0.704. :sad:
AFAIK .701 saves won't work with .703 or .704.
Now I have more fun hitting the damaged Vaegir war parties who have quite a few Swadian knight prisoners so that I don't have to wait to level 19 or so to have quite a few knights in my party.

Welcome to the forums, Nikaso. :smile:

Most updates are incompatable with previous save games. Version 0.704 is compatable with version 0.703 ... but version 0.701 isn't.

If you updated, I'm not sure if you could save that save game and re-install 0.701 or not.

Alternately ... you can use the in-game cheats to try and re-create your character in the newer version.

Had the game sine 623 or thereabouts and think its brilliant, going to have to refresh myself on how to use the cheats because I haven't up till now!

Thanks all though!
nikaso said:
Haha! Sharpshooter army! thanks for the cheat link!
I hope you have and anything else with those sharpshooters .If not them you'll get scrued sooner or later . :twisted: I hope sooner so you can learn the benefitt of infantry ( swadian sergents) and cavalry . :twisted:
Hold your horses , I was kidding :grin:
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