Updated Cataphract's stats for megamod+7 Magnificent

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
cataphract_horse cataphract 4112 0 7243 21474844160 755631872 5244928

Copy and paste this line over orginal lines from item_kinds1, and these are stats for cataphract to have realistic cataphract in your mount and blade. But you will need both megamod and The Magnificent Seven
mod combined, in order, to have them working.

Cataphract horse's stats:
Armor: 30
speed: 7
Ride require: 5
Maneuver: 10
charge: 40

Any of feedback will be appericated for further of stats tweaking and enjoy riding your very powerful, heavy, and fearsome of cataphract horse!

Eagle out...
Heh, I changed it stats for the next version of mag-7 too.. Almost the same.

I think I put

armor 40
speed 7
riding 5
maneuver 10
charge 35

Pretty close eh? I thought it should be slightly better armored as well but I didnt want to make it hit *too* hard on the charge and be unbalancing. The only way to get them in the next mag7 is to take them from the khergit khan or his bodyguards... not the store.
Ancientwanker said:
Heh, I changed it stats for the next version of mag-7 too.. Almost the same.

I think I put

armor 40
speed 7
riding 5
maneuver 10
charge 35

Pretty close eh? I thought it should be slightly better armored as well but I didnt want to make it hit *too* hard on the charge and be unbalancing. The only way to get them in the next mag7 is to take them from the khergit khan or his bodyguards... not the store.

Cataphract were known to be most powerful charger, and it sound like good idea where they'd be very, very hard to find. You'd have to get them from khergit khan or waiting to be gifted by your castle king when you are at higest ranking of their army. And yes, it is very suprising that your stats are almost similar to mine, and impressed that you have thought similiar way I do on how to put cataphract into mod, while having these horse to become very diffcult to find since these horse are extremely powerful horse when using it against other enemy.

Two thumbs goes to you, and I look foward playing your new next version of your mod, along with new of incoming megamod by n00t!

Eagle out...
Cataphract's were not charger they were just to maneuver heavily armoured knights around easily and have heavy armor so they dont......DIE
ShadowofDeath92 said:
Cataphract's were not charger they were just to maneuver heavily armoured knights around easily and have heavy armor so they dont......DIE

You should read history about middle east during rome empire and later time, when more of foreign countries began to use them later. They are pimary a powerful CHARGER, with heavy armor to break through your army's defensive line. They are the best shock cavalry in period of history, everytime they sent squadron of cataphract cavalry, they break through your men's strong line with their incredible heavy and powerful charging power, along with heavy armors and armoured rider, causing the collapsing of or heavy damages to the morale of these enemy army. And no, they can't turn too easily, due to heavy weight of armors.

Eagle out...
for those that are interested and those that are simply ignorant on the subject (like shadow of death)

I copied this from wikipedia, because I don't feel like typing too much

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The cataphract (Greek καταφράκτος) was a type of heavy cavalryman used primarily in eastern and southeastern Europe, in Anatolia and Iran from late antiquity up through the High Middle Ages. Nations deploying cataphracts at some time in their history included the Sarmatians, Parthians, Sassanids, Armenians, Pergamenes, Romans, Byzantines, and others.

Cataphracts were the heavy assault force of most nations that used them, acting as shock troops supported by light or heavy infantry and foot or mounted archers. Supporting archery was deemed particularly important for the proper deployment of cataphracts. The Parthian army that defeated the Romans at Carrhae in 53 BC operated primarily as a combined arms team of cataphracts and horse archers against the Roman heavy infantry.

A cataphract charge was generally more disciplined and less impetuous than the charges of the knights of Western Europe, but very effective due to the discipline and the large numbers of troops deployed.

Etymology of the Term
The adjective is Greek, with a basic meaning of "mail-clad." The Greek word for mail was cataphractes, which literally means "bandaged-up." The term first appears substantively in Latin, in the writings of Sisennus: ...loricatos, quos cataphractos vocant..., "...the armored, whom they call cataphracts..."

Equipment and Tactics
Equipment and tactics varied, but cataphracts generally wore heavy armor of scale mail, chain mail, lamellar armor, horn, or thick quilted cloth, carried a shield, sat on an armored horse, and charged with lances in a tight knee-to-knee formation. Most armies' cataphracts would be equipped with an additional side-arm such as a sword or mace, for use in the melee that followed the charge. Some wore armor that was primarily frontal rather than providing equal protection all around, and sometimes likewise for the horse armor. In some armies cataphracts were not equipped with shields, particularly if they had heavy body armor.

Many cataphract types were equipped with bows in addition to their lances and heavy armor, to allow them to engage the enemy from afar before charging. Cataphract archery was sometimes used tactically in disciplined formations where half the cataphracts stood facing the enemy as an armored fence while the other half looped through the line to shoot and then back behind it to reload, increasing their safety against return fire from the enemy. Cataphracts without bows are sometimes referred to simply as lancers.

Some later cataphract types were also equipped with heavy darts to be hurled at the enemy lines during a charge, to disorder the defensive formation immediately before the impact of the lances. With or without darts, a cataphract charge would usually be "shot in" by foot or horse archers to either side, or by additional cataphracts who would charge in turn after having shot in the first assault. Some armies formalized this tactic by deploying separate types of cataphract, a very heavily armored bowless lancer for the primary charge and more conventional lance-and-bow cataphracts for supporting units.

Related Types
The Romans used cataphracts only late in their history, and even then primarily in the East. The first unit appeared during the reign of emperor Hadrian (117-138ad). In addition to ordinary cataphract types they sometimes fielded a very heavy type called a clibanarius (pl. clibanarii), named after an iron oven due to their enclosed metal armor. They also formed one exotic experimental unit of scythed chariots with cataphract lancers mounted on the chariot's horses.

Nations in the Middle East occasionally fielded cataphracts mounted on camels rather than on horses, with obvious benefits for use in arid regions, as well as the fact that the smell of the camels, if up wind, was a guaranteed way of panicking enemy cavalry units that they came into contact with. Balanced against this is the relatively greater vulnerability of camel mounted units to caltrops, due to their having soft padded soles to their feet rather than hooves
Exellent article and I thank you for this, in order, to educate these people about the true legends about cataphract cavalry and their powers of charging and breaking the morale of enemy foot armies!


:grin: :cool:

Eagle out...
It's included in the Hugemod and the mag7mod. if you just want the horse, some new shields and armour and horses then only download hugemod
Temujin said:
It's included in the Hugemod and the mag7mod. if you just want the horse, some new shields and armour and horses then only download hugemod

But cataphract horse's stats are like regular warhorse in current version of both of these mods, except they wil have their own unique stats in next version of incoming Mag. 7 mod by ancientwanker.

And if you want to have realistic feeling of cataphract horse, copy these line I wrote for you guys to replace lines in item_kinds1 notepad from native folder where you installed both of these mods.

Eagle out...
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