Unplayable unfortunately

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I downloaded this mod and started it up and was only able to play for a few minutes but the mod already seemed wonderful and fresh... but unfortunately I -can- only play for a few minutes at a time before it crashes. Either I get no error message besides 'Mount and Blade has stopped working' or it's one of a handful of RGL errors I can put here if you all want.

I don't think I have anything installed that overwrote original files besides the panoramic mod, but I totally got rid of it and I still had problems with EG3. I'm running a system that can more than handle it on Windows 7. Any ideas?
Bacchus451 said:
I don't think I have anything installed that overwrote original files besides the panoramic mod, but I totally got rid of it and I still had problems with EG3. I'm running a system that can more than handle it on Windows 7. Any ideas?

Well im running Windows 7 too(best windows we all should give tribute to B.G)...and well no crashes with EGIII...i got c2d 3.0Ghz,4gb ram and 3870 i play in direct x9 everything on max except textures on 50% and resolution 1680x1050...

So try lowering textures...i think dumb game cant use more than 2gb of ram it looks like is crashes stoped after i reduced textures so blame developers of M&B not Chel... :smile:
I'm using XP, already tried to lower graphs ( refuse to try Dx 7 though). and am constantly getting the vertex RGL error.
I can run any other mod at max settings (cept blackpowder with all the smoke...).

So i would REALLY appreciate a fix on this.
Lord Yung said:
I'm using XP, already tried to lower graphs ( refuse to try Dx 7 though). and am constantly getting the vertex RGL error.
I can run any other mod at max settings (cept blackpowder with all the smoke...).

So i would REALLY appreciate a fix on this.

XP is crap dude...upgrade it...Vista had 1 bad desigen hardware requirements...how ever FREE Windows 7 RC 7100 runs better than XP in every possible way im running free windows in december 2008 i installed it and my license will expire in 2010-03 so still 9 mounts of free windows :smile:

About RGL error well i lowered textures to maximum and well i can play with battlesizer 300 funny thing is i dont notice worse textures when you see epic battle of 200 vs 550 bears you really dont pay atention to details...

Soon i will cheak battlesizer 400...also i dident change to directx7 i think my card works better with dx9 :smile:
Well when i bought the system i specifically said to NOT install Vista, you know since it's a piece of crap (especially the double RAM req.).
But this Win7 seems like the kind of thing Vista was meant to be.

Where can i get it?
Lord Yung said:
Where can i get it?

Microsoft :smile:


Select version 86x or 64x and language and download and dont forget write down key you get...

Its free but you will need to create 1 account but that 1 minut of time you can spare...

Also i recomend 64 bit version it works great :smile:
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