
Guess and check FTW! Based on comparisons of class skill values in the Unofficial M&B editor (farmer/guild/craftsmen module at the time, but as far as I can tell/know, that shouldn't affect player starting classes) and Skanky Burns' stickied table thread in the main discussion forum.
0 - Trade
1 - Leadership
2 - _____Shield/tactics unique to squire
3 - ___First Aid/Wound Treatment
4 - Surgery
5 - ___First Aid/Wound Treatment
6 - Inventory Management
7 - _______tracking/spotting unique to hunter
8 - Pathfinding
9 - Prisoner Management unique to squire
10 - _______tracking/spotting unique to hunter
11 -
12 -
13 - Riding
14 - Athletics
15 - _____shield/tactics unique to squire
16 - Weapon Master
17 -
18 -
19 - Powerstrike
20 - Ironflesh
0 - Trade
1 - Leadership
2 - _____Shield/tactics unique to squire
3 - ___First Aid/Wound Treatment
4 - Surgery
5 - ___First Aid/Wound Treatment
6 - Inventory Management
7 - _______tracking/spotting unique to hunter
8 - Pathfinding
9 - Prisoner Management unique to squire
10 - _______tracking/spotting unique to hunter
11 -
12 -
13 - Riding
14 - Athletics
15 - _____shield/tactics unique to squire
16 - Weapon Master
17 -
18 -
19 - Powerstrike
20 - Ironflesh