Unnasigned global variables?

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Hi I just got the Warband module system and have changed nothing and this comes up:

Exporting game menus data...
WARNING: Usage of unassigned global variable: $g_presentation_marshall_selection
WARNING: Usage of unassigned global variable: $g_presentation_marshall_selection
WARNING: Usage of unassigned global variable: $g_presentation_marshall_selection
WARNING: Usage of unassigned global variable: $g_presentation_marshall_selection
exporting simple triggers...
exporting triggers...
exporting dialogs...
Checking global variable usages...
WARNING: Global variable never used: tutorial_1_finished
WARNING: Global variable never used: tutorial_2_finished
WARNING: Global variable never used: tutorial_3_finished
WARNING: Global variable never used: tutorial_4_finished
WARNING: Global variable never used: tutorial_5_finished
WARNING: Global variable never used: g_election_date
WARNING: Global variable never used: g_presentation_lines_to_display_begin
WARNING: Global variable never used: g_presentation_lines_to_display_end
WARNING: Global variable never used: $g_presentation_marshall_selection_max_reno
WARNING: Global variable never used: $g_presentation_marshall_selection_max_reno
WARNING: Global variable never used: $g_presentation_marshall_selection_max_reno
WARNING: Global variable never used: $g_presentation_marshall_selection_max_reno
Exporting postfx_params...

Is this supposed to happen?
Try copying the Modules/Native/variables.txt file from the corresponding client installation to the module system directory; it should compile with no warnings or errors.
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