
Has anyone come across some players called "UnmovableObject" sometimes theres like 3 of them and I've only noticed them in siege servers, but basically they just stand in the way of their OWN team, at the top of ladders or in doorways, so that very little progress can be made in the battle.
I have never understood (and never will) why people would play a game just to piss other people off.
Why would you waste your time being an ******* instead of just playing the game? I know I shouldn't be writing this because its probably what they want, a bit of attention because their mum didn't breast feed them or whatever, but I just wondered if anyone else had come across them.
Not only that but they can't even be an ******* properly because people just team-killed them and carried on, but thats not the point they were wasting valuable time and effort and it just pisses me off that people would waste their lives doing that. Are they just frustrated virgins or victims of bullying with no self esteem or what?
Anyway, lets just hope they find something else to waste their time on...
I have never understood (and never will) why people would play a game just to piss other people off.
Why would you waste your time being an ******* instead of just playing the game? I know I shouldn't be writing this because its probably what they want, a bit of attention because their mum didn't breast feed them or whatever, but I just wondered if anyone else had come across them.
Not only that but they can't even be an ******* properly because people just team-killed them and carried on, but thats not the point they were wasting valuable time and effort and it just pisses me off that people would waste their lives doing that. Are they just frustrated virgins or victims of bullying with no self esteem or what?
Anyway, lets just hope they find something else to waste their time on...