Unmoveable Object A**holes

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Has anyone come across some players called "UnmovableObject" sometimes theres like 3 of them and I've only noticed them in siege servers, but basically they just stand in the way of their OWN team, at the top of ladders or in doorways, so that very little progress can be made in the battle.

I have never understood (and never will) why people would play a game just to piss other people off.
Why would you waste your time being an ******* instead of just playing the game? I know I shouldn't be writing this because its probably what they want, a bit of attention because their mum didn't breast feed them or whatever, but I just wondered if anyone else had come across them.

Not only that but they can't even be an ******* properly because people just team-killed them and carried on, but thats not the point they were wasting valuable time and effort and it just pisses me off that people would waste their lives doing that. Are they just frustrated virgins or victims of bullying with no self esteem or what?

Anyway, lets just hope they find something else to waste their time on...

Never seen them, they appear to be on Seige Servers, which I don't frequent enough :sad:
What servers have you seen them on?
Mr.X said:
Never seen them, they appear to be on Seige Servers, which I don't frequent enough :sad:
What servers have you seen them on?

Ive seen them on 22nd siege server, they are so annoying...
Huh, and you can't even tk them there without risking a kick if you accidently tk/suicide. Poll ban?
Manbearpig has joined the game with ID: 7291
Karrick_IV has joined the game with ID: 396608
Toast_Flavoured_Muffin has joined the game with ID: 399923

These are their ID's to make banning easier
Puppy said:
Huh, and you can't even tk them there without risking a kick if you accidently tk/suicide. Poll ban?

Problem with poll baning/kicking trolls in a populated server, is that (because of trolls abusing the poll system) most people just hit 2 without asking/wondering what is going on.
UnmovableObject_1 reporting in, thanks for the acknowledgment :smile: It's good to know we are getting to the wide warband community out their, making our mark here and there, it warms my heart. We might pay you guys another visit soon.
Object_1 Out xoxox
Yo this is UnmovableObject_3, you guys have made our night posting this up. We will continue to troll the hell out of your server just because you complained.
yes i was bullyed as a kid and have no self esteem.... i don't want to talk about it as i am also a frustrated virgin.

We will see you all very soon :smile:
troll out.

As I said on the first post, your not even good at it anyway cos we'll just TK you out of the way and carry on, but you could do us a favour by just not joining the game in the 1st place....
Atmostfear said:
Yo this is UnmovableObject_3, you guys have made our night posting this up. We will continue to troll the hell out of your server just because you complained.
yes i was bullyed as a kid and have no self esteem.... i don't want to talk about it as i am also a frustrated virgin.

We will see you all very soon :smile:
troll out.

This made my day.  :lol:
Lionheart89 said:
Has anyone come across some players called "UnmovableObject" sometimes theres like 3 of them and I've only noticed them in siege servers, but basically they just stand in the way of their OWN team, at the top of ladders or in doorways, so that very little progress can be made in the battle.

I have never understood (and never will) why people would play a game just to piss other people off.
Why would you waste your time being an ******* instead of just playing the game? I know I shouldn't be writing this because its probably what they want, a bit of attention because their mum didn't breast feed them or whatever, but I just wondered if anyone else had come across them.

Not only that but they can't even be an ******* properly because people just team-killed them and carried on, but thats not the point they were wasting valuable time and effort and it just pisses me off that people would waste their lives doing that. Are they just frustrated virgins or victims of bullying with no self esteem or what?

Anyway, lets just hope they find something else to waste their time on...
I read this, and the abbreviation "lol" doesn't do right to how much I'm laughing :lol:. Also, Lionheart, I don't think you realize that you're doing pretty much exactly what they want, and that your reaction only adds to the hilarity.

inox_ionizer said:
Isn't the usual term 'Immovable'?
No, unmovable is also correct. You're probably mixing it up with 'immobile'.
TheNarrator said:
I read this, and the abbreviation "lol" doesn't do right to how much I'm laughing :lol:. Also, Lionheart, I don't think you realize that you're doing pretty much exactly what they want, and that your reaction only adds to the hilarity.

Yes, your right I guess I am doing what they want. The only reason I can fathom that you would behave in such a way is for attention, and thats clearly what I've given them. I just wanted to see if other people had noticed the unmovables or not. I'll never understand how the Unmovables minds work to take satisfaction in "getting in the way", especially as they're pretty bad at it.

For now, I'll just keep TKing them.

This will be my last post on this thread to keep from bumping it up the list.
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