University and changing capital city

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Not sure if this is covered somewhere, so apologies if I missed it.

If you already have a university and then move your capital city will you be able to build a new university after a while? I just moved my cap to Praven so Jelkala was in my sphere of influence and I'm a bit worried by not immediately having the option to add a university.
I think i have read in game that university is a uniqe building and you can only build one in your kingdom.

Thay give a warning if you realy want to build it there becouse if you loose it you cant build anotherone. Im not 100% if it need to be in your capital.

Check praven and see if you have still have it.
If you check your old Capital, it will say something along the lines of that the University has fallen in disrepair. That suggests that the University remains, but only works (Or at least much better) when it's the Capital (Then it's bustling with activity).
Yeah, looks like it only works when its in your capital and isn't transferable once it falls into disrepair. Oh well, moving capital back.
Hmm I guess I'll have to invade the Khanate after I get done kicking the Rhodoks out of the third of the map that I helped them occupy when I was still playing at being a sellsword. Uxkahl how I hate thee.  :mrgreen:
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