Units regaining consciousness

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It would be interesting if enemy or friendly units who have been knocked out during a battle could have a small probability of regaining consciousness before the battle ends. You might even be standing next to one when he suddenly gets up and starts attacking you again.

Anyone who ever played the 1998 game Unreal might recall how the Skaarj creatures would sometimes fall down and play dead for a few seconds. I really liked that feature and have never seen anything similar since.
It wouldn't be so bad if you were hacking enemies with swords and one of them got knocked unconscious instead of dying, but if you are trying to capture a bunch of guys with your club, knock out everybody, realize there was a couple who got revived over on the other side of the map, you have to go and knock them out. Nowhere you were before, a couple more are recovered, and so on. It's going to be a pain to find the last enemy who survived because he was knocked out by your horse instead of by your sword.
It could be a good thing, but they still have to be unconciuos a very long time, so it wont be as Ingolifs said. About ten minutes maybe?
1. The probability of a unit coming to or simply having played dead should always remain very very low. Anything designed to be an occasional surprise indeed becomes a pain in the ass if it happens too often.

2. Hostile units waking up will not be any harder to locate than any other enemy unit - just let them find you.

3. Whether it's an enemy playing dead or a teammate waking up, it shouldn't necessarily take a long time to happen. It's quite normal for someone to be momentarily stunned instead of rendered unconscious.

4. Whoever does wake up will have very little health left and can quite easily be knocked out again or killed.
It would be funny if the unconscious enemy could wake up and be so stunned that they didn't know what side they were on... and attacked whoever was nearest... just a thought.
Intresting idea.

I like Gonz idea best, they're so confused and out of focus that they don't see whats going on and just attack whoever they can

and some of my fights last over 20 min and some under 1 min, easy enough when you do hitshots with all of your 25 arrows lol

But maybe it should only be ppl without helmets that would stay unconsious the whole fight since they would take a bigger blow to their head then those with helmets so that knights and guards hunters and such get that lesser concusion.

And new to the forum so hi all :grin:
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