Resolved Unit spacing will become more spaced out, inconsistently.

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Summary: Only affects captain mode and not game breaking bug and hard to notice in a busy moment but unit spacing will be more spaced out. Line formation will look like loose formation, loose formation is even further stretched out and shield wall has units seperated.
How to Reproduce: I cannot confirm how to reproduce this glitch as I only notice it mid or late round. I think it has something to do with using click and drag to make unit lines combined with a glitch when I use charge or follow me or something. I cannot reproduce it consistently but I'm pretty sure click and drag are required to be susceptible to this glitch.
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Media (Screenshots & Video): This is the image with the glitch*** In This image you can see I ordered my men into line formation at the bottom left it says it in white. notice the gaps between them. I wasn't able to get anymore pictures but I noticed this glitch a long time ago hard to catch tho and get pictures.

for comparison here are regular units in line formation:

and in loose formation:

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Think it might be related to being mounted, in my experience when you selected a unit to move, the flag icons for where they'll move to is much wider while mounted, even though you're controlling infantry. Perhaps the game thinks you're controlling cavalry if you're mounted?
Think it might be related to being mounted, in my experience when you selected a unit to move, the flag icons for where they'll move to is much wider while mounted, even though you're controlling infantry. Perhaps the game thinks you're controlling cavalry if you're mounted?
I think you're right, thats how to reproduce it is to command units mounted
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