Unit cost

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is there any reason not to use cavalry only armies since troop costs are lower for top tier cavalry and thez have better proficiences...recruitung and upgrading costs are not high enough to pose a problem so...is there a reason for this unreal situation....maybe cost for cavalry or infantry proficience should be higher ...i like it this way but seems unhistorical...

PS: levels and horse determin upkeep cost and they go:
inf:    5 12 20 25 lvl
cav:  / 12 17 22 28 lvl (all proficiences for same level correspond but cavalry is more versatile in them)
arc:  5 11 19 27 lvl
Gugggy said:
is there any reason not to use cavalry only armies since troop costs are lower for top tier cavalry and thez have better proficiences...recruitung and upgrading costs are not high enough to pose a problem so...is there a reason for this unreal situation....maybe cost for cavalry or infantry proficience should be higher ...i like it this way but seems unhistorical...
there's no reason, in my opinion. i usually play on hungarian kingdom's side, and historically, the banderiums of nobles were almost full of cavalry units. perhaps they weren't the cavalry as they are in 1257ad (they were hussars, light cavalry, but not this non-experienced units). so i usually have an army full of squires. i think their upkeep is 87 denars, so i can handle if there are more than a hundred of them in my army, that's not too much to pay, but my shock tactic is succesful against any kind of enemy forces.
Huh? I had maybe 6-7 Knights and 10-15 Squires, my upkeep was well over 3,000 denars. 80 denars upkeep sounds too low. I think it's 160 for Squires and 240 for Knights. Maybe Hungary  (I play England) has a different unit tree, come to think about it.
it is not the price that bothers me as such...it is relative costs for different units...leadership does not change the fact that cavalry is more for the money you pay than infantry...
Gugggy said:
it is not the price that bothers me as such...it is relative costs for different units...leadership does not change the fact that cavalry is more for the money you pay than infantry...
Still have an awful tendency to die though. I tried putting together a cavalry party, it was something like 10 knights, 15 squires, 20 men at arms. They were mostly dead after 4-5 bouts with the French. I now have an army consisting of knights/squires, guisarder(sp?) and crossbowmen. Much fewer casualties and will rout an army faster.
i know that cos i tried it ... but only reason for it is stupid combat ai which lets cavalry loose formation and run around every man for himself while slower infantry stays closer together hahahahah...usualy my cavalary in gig formation chases one routed peasant while smaller numbers are being cut to pieces by enemy infantry
While you are at it, othr, the second tier Hermaður from the Scandinavian roster only cost 1 in upkeep.
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