Uninstall panoramic mod

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Sergeant Knight
Hi, is there a way to uninstall the panoramic mod?
I want back my nice and clean GEs HDR... without uninstalling the game  :roll:

I think all you need to do is replace the Panoramic Mod skyboxes and stuff you downloaded with the original Native skyboxes and stuff, then change the module.ini of every module you have.
Like the others said: replace the skyboxes.txt file from the mod with the original one and comment the command to load the pm_blabla files in the module.ini out and decomment the lines commented during installation.
yeah, i was really tired and i totally forgot to backup  :cry:
But I guess one of you could be kind and just copy/paste the skyboxes.txt in this topic?
It would help me great!
I have a better idea.

Reinstall your game and stop bugging us. if you just reinstalled it right away you would been done hours ago now... tsktsk.

ok ok, you won... I'll reinstall and put all the mods back (except this one)
sorry for the disturbance :neutral:
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