Unhorsing enemies+other sugestions

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1. It should be able to unhorse enemy without killing him (or his horse). In mediaval age they used special hooks to catch the rider and get him to the ground. The halberd was equipped with such hooks too. Also when hitting the enemy with couched lance he should fly from the horse immediately (most times).

2 : Fixing pike option : he infantry should be able fix one end of their pikes to the ground (while holding them pointed against atackers), this was used against cavalry. The long pike could be fixed with right mouse button and player cannot move until unfixed (again by RMB) he would have only limited aiming capability in forward hemisphere. Of course this would be only usable if there are better disciplined infantry formations. The charge against fixed pikes should be suicidal for cavalry (at least so damaging as couched lance) so they would be forced to dismount or attack from rear.

3. The warhorses and chargers should kick and bite enemies when in melee combat.
OK man that would just be impossible for a video game. An organized pike line, horses that kick and bite. Read a book if that's what you want. Let's try to make suggestions that are remotely possible. I want to hunt wild boar on my horse while wearing green leather hunting clothes and armed with a boar spear. See my idea is also impossible, what a hypocrite I am hehe.
Why would it be impossible for horses to kick enemies close to them? I don't think it's difficult to implement and at least the footmans will have it not easy. Now if you end in gruop of infantry (I know you shouldn't :grin:) you are quickly dead.

Plus another sugestion I forgot - in case the enemy is knocked down and lying on the ground I want to be able inflict some serious damage to him when overruning him by horse not waiting unitl he stands up.
Now you are talkin'. Trampling needs to be in the game haha. I miss with my lance and my charger only does a little bit of damage a warhorse should kill.
I have some doubts about horses kicking and biting, but I definitely agree about the trampling.

I also agree about the fixed pike. Even if you can't get your troops to line up neatly and do it at the same time, just being able to do it yourself would give you a good counter to the couched lance attack. Of course, getting your troops to all do it too would be even cooler, but one step at a time.
unhorsing the enemy would be good thing
since with a lance you not always kill, for example when he holds shield, he holds lance as well, but not reins, thus he only holds on horse with feet, but since you unbalance him by knocking him off he HAS to fall off!!
makes it more realisTIC

Do the search thing, kids! Or better yet, read the Frequent Suggestions list and if your suggestion is on it, THEN do the search thing. armagan has said that unhorsing will be added. Readying pikes has also been suggested a billion times, although I'm not sure if there's an official statement on that.

Your third idea is just stupid. :neutral:
3d idea not so stupid.. just stupid wording

warhorses DO kick people.. even just a HORSE will KICK YOU if you come too near it...
but they do NOT BITE!!!
they aint friggin rabbits
Warhorses did bite, they were specifically trained to trample, kick and bite enemy infantry. Even normal horses can bite from time to time, resulting in missing fingers for unwary humans. What's stupid is suggesting that it be added to the game, it'd take huge amounts of work for a relatively very small improvement.
trained to bite? never heard of it......
implementing not that hard.... if enemydist<5: kick... and mostly the damage is not high but it stuns you and and you kinda jump away
So you'd like it if there were just random chances of being attacked while in the vicinity of a horse, without any sort of indication that the horse is kicking or biting you, no animation, nothing?

animation is not that hard to implement.

anyway, it would add more spice to the game
Medieval warhorses were trained to kick and bite nearby enemies and trample the lying ones... They were also trained to trust only their "master". For example if someone tried to ride them or only take the bridle without the master allowing it, they could criple him... The training of a good warhorse took years to complete.

This was just sugestion, that should improve the close combat capabilities of heavy cavalry. Just add two kicking animations and some damage resulting from it. I never said I will be not able to live without it. :smile:
I, personally, liked this whole bite and kick thing. And its probablly not that hard to implement, at least not the kick, the bite could be a little harder.

Trampling was already on my personal wanted list, I think is almost essencial and it would add a lot to combat. And its probablly not hard to implement at all.
The damage of a charging horse especialy getting TRAMPLED by a horse should be increased, in the arena I often get run over with no damage incurred.
I have to agree with grim oKin, there are much better things to work on with this game and it would be depressing to get knocked out of a battle because some horse bit your fingers off. OOh the horsey thought my fingers were carrots HAHAHA. How will I hold my sword now?
In my world grim means solid and respectable. So I would feel flattered because I am goofy and irresponsible which is bad in any world.
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