Undead Hordes

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Hey all,

Love this mod but was curious on all the undead.  They are basically raping every faction so where there are wars going on no one ever gets things done as soon as a lord gets 50+ guys they run out and get murdered by one of the 5 to 6 roaming bands of undead in every factions lands.  My forces (currently unaligned and numbering 300) are the only ones capable of even standing up to them and I can only to some of them.  I read about an army of light that is supposed to be around but I have yet to see them (day 50 or so) but soooo many undead.  Is there a way in the game to prevent them from spawning so much/frequently?  Like killing a base or something?

I am having the exact opposite.

Not only did after the day of reckoning happen, that the army of light countered a siege on Durquba, and now, over 20 days later, have yet to see a single army of darkness. Really sad, I wanted an apocolypse type thing to happen, and it was stopped almost immediately.
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