Undead And Battle Size

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Hi! This is my First Post!

The game is amazing keep up the good work!
I couldn't resist to buy it!

I am already 32 lvl with no cheats :smile:

I would like to ask you to make the battle size slider bigger! So that if anyone likes to fight 100 against 100, to do it! Some Pc can handdle it! :razz:

Also , it must be veeery awsome to have Undead enemies!
I hope you reconsider that and in some point of the game to put Undeads!

I Believe Undead enemies whould make the game even beter!
Maybe they could come only at night at far away places hard to find!

Thanks for your time! :cool:
This lil' program gets you bigger battles, but the undead you'll have to mod in yourself.
It's possible that the battle size slider might be changed in the future, but for now you could try using the battle size changer. Works alright, but you might get some slowdowns if you increase the size too much.

As for the undead thing, well there's some unused zombie skins in the game I believe. Might wanna check the modding board for any mods that use them. I know for instance that there's a version of the Arena Expansion mod that has undead.
First off, welcome to the forums!

Also , it must be veeery awsome to have Undead enemies!
I hope you reconsider that and in some point of the game to put Undeads!

I Believe Undead enemies whould make the game even beter!
Maybe they could come only at night at far away places hard to find!
It has been made quite clear that the unmodded game is going to avoid the fantasy type setting in exchange for a more authentic one. Undead were originally in the game a long time ago, but armagan (M&B creator) removed them for this very reason. Adding a single fantasy element like potions, dragons, magic, or undead would completely alter the mood of the game. So if someone was to add undead, they'd be much better off just adding in all the other fantasy elements as well to make it feel complete. Anyway, there are already a few mods out there that include undead, and i imagine alot more will be released in the future.
Yeah, there have been many posts, and if Im not mistaken everyone decided it would be best to keep the game with as little fiction as possible. But there are a lot of mods for undead, magic and other fantasy stuff like that if people like to play those once in a while.

Try the Mag7 mod while you at it, really neat and well done ::smile:
Thanks for replying!

I agree , it is a wonderfull game as it is now, but I was thinking like...
the player to hear a rumour in the game, an do a quest to find something valuable, and face undeads, the could be few of them, just for one quest, not participating in the hole game! They could e in a hidden place on the border of the map!

There was always, in every age,(in real life) rumours and tales of magic and evil creatures, why couldn't you also put it in M&B??? It wouldn't destroy the reality of the game! Just spice it up a bit!
hi all,

i think the rumors idea could work. there dosnt have to be skellitons or zombies for there to be rumors of "unnatural" creaturs in the land. the rumors could lead you to some madman that has been rolling around in the sand and looks like death. but of cours he is really a lvl30+ chr that has gone mad and sees every one as an enemy to kill.
There was always, in every age,(in real life) rumours and tales of magic and evil creatures, why couldn't you also put it in M&B??? It wouldn't destroy the reality of the game! Just spice it up a bit!
True, and adding character dialogs that talk about these creatures would be fine. But again, these were just rumors, and nobody ever saw magical evil skeleton sorcerers or anything in real life. So i feel that adding them in, even as an "easter egg" would damage the setting. Best to just leave it up to the modding community if you ask me.
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