Unban Request by Steiner

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Steiner IRL

I recently made an application to  the 22nd battalion website but i am unable to find the "Banishment" forum now. My apologies for making another application here but i am desperate for some MM :smile:.

It has been some months since i played MM and when i came back to play it again the other day i was disappointed to find i was banned.

•Name under which you were banned:
I play under the following names: ARMY_Steiner and 13e_1Bat_Rec_Steiner or maybe just Steiner

•Server(s) you are banned from (I emphasize we only handle the MM Official Servers here):

•What was happening when you got banned:
I am not sure and unable to remember why or if i was banned. But i can assure you, admin, i am a friendly and well mannered within the game/chat. I am also in a regment which i think shows that i play the game seriously in which i do not "mess around". I enjoy playing with my brother along with my regiment and i really wish to play the server again since it has been so long.

•Time and date:
Very unsure it could have been 180 days ago as a friend told me thats when i was last on steam which was playing Mount and Blade Warband.

•If you can, your user ID number:
I am unsure how to find my user ID. If you would kindly tell me how i can find this i will tell you it ASAP.

•The name of the family member who was causing the problem, because it obviously wasn't you, brothers and cousins are popular so do try something more original:
? If maybe i did something, which i highly doubt on the server that broke the rules, i will accept the responsbility of my actions and i can assure you nothing of the manner will happen again.

Thank you for reading my unban request application and i look forward to your respone.

Just a heads up for this point

Steiner IRL said:
•What was happening when you got banned:
I am not sure and unable to remember why or if i was banned. But i can assure you, admin, i am a friendly and well mannered within the game/chat. I am also in a regment which i think shows that i play the game seriously in which i do not "mess around". I enjoy playing with my brother along with my regiment and i really wish to play the server again since it has been so long.

This doesnt prove much, regimentals have been banned previously, sometimes more than random pubbers
No players by the name of Steiner on our ban list, the only 13e_1bat member we have is Cedric. Any other names you might have been using?
I never considered that thought Crusader but i mean it why i say i don't want to cause any harm. Praetorian i can't think of any other name i might have been under nothing comes to mind. Is it possible i may give you my user id? but theres one problem i'm not sure where to find this. Could you explain to me how to search for this please?
ahh yes its all coming back to me. Some guy was mocking me because im an irish person from dublin, to be more precise my accent and he annoyed me so much that i put his clan tag on. I made the name Jumper up, i didn't know anyone in the regiment and basically i befriended him and then killed him. and eh hmmm i apologize for doing this but this guy really knew how to get under my skin. I'll learn to control myself if something like this happens to me again. I know i probably should have contacted an admin or submitted a ban request but i let revenge get the better of me.
Steiner IRL said:
ahh yes its all coming back to me. Some guy was mocking me because im an irish person from dublin, to be more precise my accent and he annoyed me so much that i put his clan tag on. I made the name Jumper up, i didn't know anyone in the regiment and basically i befriended him and then killed him. and eh hmmm i apologize for doing this but this guy really knew how to get under my skin. I'll learn to control myself if something like this happens to me again. I know i probably should have contacted an admin or submitted a ban request but i let revenge get the better of me.

Lesson of the day:
Don't Feed the troll ... play Skyrim.
IrishPraetorian said:
No players by the name of Steiner on our ban list, the only 13e_1bat member we have is Cedric. Any other names you might have been using?

Can you try to find Lt*Col*SzkodaVistulaLgn_PL on the ban list bcos i got banned from 84e_NW_Siege just for asking for rocket troop on brit side
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