
Hello everyone, i don't know where to put this but i would like to have a unban request.
I got banned from the 59th jailbreak server i was a guard, some of the admins said purge so i thought there was gonna be a purge so i attacked prisoners there were few others.
And i got permant banned for just a mistake , one admin even said ummm no purge........ i thought there was a purge thats why.
Please unban me my name is KhaleedibnWaleed or Swordofallah
I got banned from the 59th jailbreak server i was a guard, some of the admins said purge so i thought there was gonna be a purge so i attacked prisoners there were few others.
And i got permant banned for just a mistake , one admin even said ummm no purge........ i thought there was a purge thats why.
Please unban me my name is KhaleedibnWaleed or Swordofallah