I haven't been able to get in contact with the streaming community, and I figured it would be better for this thread to go up so that all the streamers I would miss if I were to try individual contact can read this too.
There's no stream thread and there's no weekly streamer information. I would greatly like both and am completely willing to throw up the weekly advertising threads for streamers as I did in UNAC Season 2, but I need some communication on your end. If you're a streamer or are planning a stream of a particular match, please let me know either through this thread or through PM. I'll gladly advertise it and make sure everyone knows it's happening - the WarbandNA Stream group is still operational with 188 Warband players and threads can be done as well. I support the streamers and think that they're a great and perhaps even essential part of a competitive community - and if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know.
There's no stream thread and there's no weekly streamer information. I would greatly like both and am completely willing to throw up the weekly advertising threads for streamers as I did in UNAC Season 2, but I need some communication on your end. If you're a streamer or are planning a stream of a particular match, please let me know either through this thread or through PM. I'll gladly advertise it and make sure everyone knows it's happening - the WarbandNA Stream group is still operational with 188 Warband players and threads can be done as well. I support the streamers and think that they're a great and perhaps even essential part of a competitive community - and if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know.