Unable to select map icon

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This is related both to BRFedit and the Map Editor, although it might be something else i am unaware of.

Ok, so I have made a new map icon. And since i can't texture, i based it on an existing mesh, just to test on the icon. (By importing it and replacing the existing mesh, but in a new file)
However, now i can't select the map icons (using the map editor) that uses the mesh i based the new icon on.

Please help, i do not want to move the map icons manually by coordinates.
I may be wrong on this, but try going here:

and enter in something like this:
load_module_resource = new_map_icons

There's nothing that wrong with using coordinates - by using the z button, you can trace the coordinates of your mouse movement, and then paste it into module_parties.
But the problem fixed itself, i dunno why.  :roll:

Fei Dao said:
I may be wrong on this, but try going here:

and enter in something like this:
load_module_resource = new_map_icons

There's nothing that wrong with using coordinates - by using the z button, you can trace the coordinates of your mouse movement, and then paste it into module_parties.

Well, that showed the new map icon at least. Thanks, it will be useful none the less.
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