Unable to save game

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My computer meets all minimum specifications, though only just on the video card issue, and I have generally toned down graphics settings etc to allow for safety room. However that is not the issue. After installing the game I found I could play for roughly an hour, saving without any problem and then suddenly, whenever I tried to save I would get a small in game error message stating in red letters. “Error, unable to save game!!!” Then, under that in more normal black lettering the message “game saved..” Only the red message was correct. Furthermore my previous saves of the past hour had vanished. I attempted reinstalling and that was not the issue, my copy was fully activated, I have attempted both save modes and searched for patches. However the store bought copy I purchased was of version 1.011 so  patching was unnecessary. I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I have been looking forward to this game and would greatly appreciate any assistance you could give. Thank you.
Check you have free disk space, and that the game is running as admin. Make sure you haven't filled all six save slots, check the files in the save directory are not set to read only.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to this, however, and this is going to make me sound like a complete idiot, I have little idea as to how to do what you advised me to do. I know I have 8gb free on my disk drive C and just by looking at the in game restore save option I know I have not used all six save slots, I have none since the problem instantly deleted all saves when it kicked in after an hour of game play. However, as for admin setting and read only I do not know what I am looking for. I searched in what seemed to be the relevant files but I saw nothing plus I dared not change them without first knowing what I am doing. Coincidentally, and may be related to the problem, whilst trying to many of the mount and blade files I was presented with the message that in order to open it windows has to know what program created it so if you are going to direct me to a particular file it may also be useful to state which program I should find, just to save time, if that is possible. Thank you again.
Any solution for this yet?
I actually got my Windows 7 64-bit working with M&B but when I tried to save I got the same error.
I can't find a save directory either.

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