Una stupida domanda

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Come sapete premendo il tasto ''C'' è possibile fare l'urlo di battaglia rigorosamente in lingua,ora ho una richiesta da farvi:qualche anima buona mi potrebbe scrivere tutti gli urli possibili per ogni nazione?So bene che è una richiesta stupida,ma urlare in lingua i warshouts mentre gioco mi fomenterebbe in maniera speciale...grazie in anticipo!
...In realta' abbiamo un'intera sezione dedicata a NW qui:...

...ed una creata apposta per la risoluzione problemi qui:...

...Chi fosse interessato qui trova tutti i "Chants" divisi per Nazione:...
Azrooh said:

-For King & country! (Self-explanatory)
-Hurrah for Old Nosey! (Wellington had a big nose, which earned him the nickname 'old nosey')
-Rule Brittania! (A British patriotic song)
-Sons of the hounds! Come here and get flesh! (Scottish accent, warcry of the Cameron clan)
-Scotland forever! (Scottish accent)


-Für das Vaterland! (For the fatherland, meaning Germany/Prussia)
-Für König und Vaterland! (For king & fatherland)
-Gott schützen den König! (God save the king)
-Schlagt sie! (Beat them!)
-Auf geht's Kameraden! (Let's go, comerades!)


-Für den Kaiser! (For the emperor!)
-Gott schützen den Kaiser! (God save the emperor!)

I don't know how to speak French or Russian, so somebody else will have to do those..

Bluehawk said:
Some of the Russian battle cries:

"Pulya - Dura; Shtyk - Molodets!" ~ "The bullet's a fool, but the bayonet is clever."
"Nu, pohodite, suki-voleyte!*" ~ "Well, come on, you puny *****es!" *I'm not 100% sure on if he's saying voleyte or not, or even suki for that matter.
"Ura!" ~ "Hoorah!"; "Huzzah!"
"Slavsya 'techesvo!" ~ "Glory to the fatherland!"
"Za gosudarya!" ~ "For the sovereign!"
"Bey basurmyan!" ~ "Strike/Kill the infidel!" (a little bit strange)
"Voruy! Ubivay!" ~ "Steal! Kill!" (perfect for partisans preying on the French stragglers in the winter)

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