
I am working on a Warband mod which intend to add a large amount of factions and lords. But the User Interface seems to have reached a maximum capacity on the number heroes (ladies, lords, kings, NPC) : the list on the right don't show everyone, and stops in the middle of the ladies.
Is there a way to show everyone in this menu ? (the pages of the missing lords exist : when you talk to them and then go in their own menu from the discussion with them, they are showed on the menu, but not listed on the right)
I have already made some researches in the forum and the module system, the UI seems to be partially hardcoded. the menu is ui_troops2 (characters) , and then the list of heroes is listed but I don't know if the module system properly permit to adjust it.
Thank you, if anyone can help me on this precise point.
I am working on a Warband mod which intend to add a large amount of factions and lords. But the User Interface seems to have reached a maximum capacity on the number heroes (ladies, lords, kings, NPC) : the list on the right don't show everyone, and stops in the middle of the ladies.
Is there a way to show everyone in this menu ? (the pages of the missing lords exist : when you talk to them and then go in their own menu from the discussion with them, they are showed on the menu, but not listed on the right)
I have already made some researches in the forum and the module system, the UI seems to be partially hardcoded. the menu is ui_troops2 (characters) , and then the list of heroes is listed but I don't know if the module system properly permit to adjust it.
Thank you, if anyone can help me on this precise point.